BROCK – “Alien”

BROCK – “Alien” – Single Review
Oh he’s an “Alien” alright. At the very least, BROCK ain’t human.
Let’s fucking go!
Don’t get it twisted, I’ve had a listen to the majority of the stuff that this dude has put out there into the world, and I’m familiar with the fact that, like any artist or band out there, he’s kinda got a few main gears. Sometimes you hear BROCK goin’ through the motions…sometimes you hear BROCK at his most inspired…sometimes you hear BROCK searching for that next chapter in what he creates…sometimes you hear BROCK moving in a more accessible direction…I reckon it all falls into one of those four categories more or less, and if you’re lucky, I suppose you get some kind of combination of the best in all that. Having a listen to the instantaneous energy and spark to “Alien,” this felt like the inspired and accessible version of BROCK…which is probably the most desirable direction for him music to go in, at least from the listener’s perspective. Because we all want that beat that connects and gets us moving, right? “Alien” has that. It’s also got a wild array of sound selection, which speaks strongly on behalf of the man’s creativity, and of course, with production skills second to none, it obviously all sounds great.
Everything stacks up to a significant win for BROCK this time around. If you ask me, “Alien” is pretty much the perfect representation of the man’s music, and the combination of style & sound he should essentially always be aiming towards. While there’s undoubtedly a righteously stellar beat at the core of this song that’s guaranteed to be a hit with the EDM crowd, “Alien” is one of those brilliant hybrid cuts from BROCK where he’ll find remarkably clever ways to branch his ideas out into nearly IDM terrain. I’m not saying he fully gets there…but I’m not saying he doesn’t either…and honestly, I kinda like that. I really think you could make an argument that BROCK has a lot of IDM tendencies that don’t always show up in EDM music, but he’s really infused them in the mix and his structures in a highly accessible way that even some of the most dedicated listeners wouldn’t notice. As in, you know what the EDM crowd can be like…don’t get me wrong, I love’em, but they’re not really defined by seeking out music that makes them want to think so much as they crave music that makes them wanna dance, you feel me? So when you hear how seamlessly BROCK is able to straddle both these realms and use the best of both worlds when it comes to making electronic music that’ll move your mind as much as it does your body, you kinda gotta acknowledge that he’s really in tune with how to merge both realms of sound. BROCK is a natural when it comes right down to it…he’s got the right instincts to make electronic music stand out, however you choose to define what it is you’re hearing from him. I listen to “Alien” and feel like you could sink your teeth right into this track on an intellectual level, or simply just dance to it if you wanna.
So, essentially, there’s a lil’ something for everyone here in “Alien.” I love the way this song opens up, and feel like the high degrees of accessibility make themselves known right away, while the multiple details that are threaded into this song will likely get a little more credit for the impact they make in those subsequent spins through it. No matter how you slice it, this is BROCK in the finest of forms, and “Alien” is bound to become a significant hit for the man’s music this year for sure. When you combine a killer cut like this, with what I’d argue is easily one of his most engaging videos to-date since he dropped “F CONCEPT” way back in 2020, you get the sense that BROCK is at his focused best on all fronts right now. If you’ve been following along with these pages since I started listening to the man’s music, you know I’m here for it…it’s always a pleasure to listen to this guy firing on all cylinders when he’s at his most inspired, and “Alien” definitely sounds like he’s at the top of his game once again. No complaints from me – I love everything I hear, I love everything I see…this new single from BROCK is the shiznit y’all.
I’d happily let this “Alien” probe my ear-holes anytime, yes indeed.
Don’t laugh…you’ll feel the same way.
Find more music by BROCK at his official page at Spotify here:
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