BROCK – “CELESTE” – Music Video Post

High-flyin’ good times with our main man BROCK in the mix this morning – the dude’s got a brand-new single/video out for a song called “CELESTE” that’ll take ya straight on an otherworldly trip into space.  The man has been on a verifiable hot streak of releases he’s been pumping out onto the internet over the course of summer 2022 – BROCK’s been in the finest of forms all year without question, thriving with his most creatively ambitious cuts to-date as word continues to spread like wildfire about this Electro wizard’s music all around the globe.  What else can we possibly say that hasn’t been said before – y’all know we’re supreme fans of what BROCK creates, and “CELESTE” is another solid win for the guy.

BROCK hasn’t just been stepping up his production & beats this year – he’s also been launching pure fire through your screens with a stellar set of videos in 2022 as well…and you bet, you can add the stunning visuals of “CELESTE” to the growing streak of victories he’s enjoyed this year, which includes killer videos like “8X,” “SIRENS,” and most recently for his savagely fun single “RUN” from back in August.  BROCK keeps flexing just as much visible muscle as he brings audible skills to his craft every time…it’s a proven recipe that generates results, and it’s built his following into an empire online.  Every time the guy shows up again, he’s got something fresh, innovative, and well worth your time in checking out – BROCK never stops, never sleeps, never quits creating something altogether new, and/or working towards that next-level.

In addition to his superhuman talent as a music producer, BROCK is a genuinely great guy behind the scenes as well – we’re proud to support artists like this dude and are thrilled to see that his uniqueness & authenticity in Electro music is fully catching on around the world, and raising the stakes to set a whole new standard for the rest to follow.

Listen to more music by BROCK and see more videos at his YouTube channel right here:

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"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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