BROCK And Eshnab – “I Will Change Your Mind”

 BROCK And Eshnab – “I Will Change Your Mind”

BROCK And Eshnab – “I Will Change Your Mind” – Music Video Post

It sure seems like there’s never a week that goes by without a new BROCK tune when the guy is in the swing of things, which he has been all summer long pretty much…at least as far as we can tell.  The music has been comin’ out hot & fresh, left & right, from the front to the back…you know how it goes when you’re inspired creatively y’all – I don’t need to tell YOU…most of the people that read these pages of ours are already some kind of artists in their own time…so you get it.  On a technical front, BROCK released the instrumental version of “I Will Change Your Mind” back in…I think it was actually the summer of last year if I’m not mistaken…but at a slower pace than you’ll find it here with rapper Eshnab lending an assist to help take this track up a gear or two.  Things work out well once again for these two – we’ve already experienced success in their collaborative ways through “LARA” and “IMBECILE” – and they continue on their path to victory with the confident spin they put into “I Will Change Your Mind.”

Eshnab’s practically got this dialed-in as an anthem for them both really…multiple name-checks along the way as “I Will Change Your Mind” kicks out the jams.  They bring the hype to your speakers with this cut, no doubt – and they’re leavin’ ya with “Gucci WELTS” in the process of beatin’ up your speakers yo!  I mean…when the beats hit THAT hard you KNOW that BROCK has gotta be involved on some level, am I right?  These two work extremely well together and complement what each other brings to a track – it’s great to have’em back in action again this year, and I’m confident we’ll be hearing more from these two musical superheroes combined somewhere down the line in 2022 I’m sure.  BROCK never stays away from makin’ the magic happen with his music for long…if I was a betting man, I’d say these guys will be back at it again real soon – and when they are, you know we’ll have’em posted up here for you to enjoy.

Find more music by BROCK at Bandcamp here:

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