It’s Monday morning y’all…and you know what that means for so many of ya out there – time to get back to the grind! Sure as hell shouldn’t stop ya from starting up your day & week on all the right notes; and to help you all out there with that, we’ve got one of […]Read More
Well holy shiznat would ya look at that – BROCK’s rockin’ for eight-plus minutes on “BUCKIT” this time, after dropping a sample-slice on us all last time we featured him up on our pages with a clip of his cut “ANUBIS.” Our hero of CAPITAL LETTERS and all-out audible awesomeness returns once again here in […]Read More
Well, well, well…what DO we have here BROCK? Aside from his single “BADASS” released earlier this year, technically we started listening to BROCK post-release of his first two records, Without Boundaries and F Concept – which makes this cut “ANUBIS” the second track that gives us some insight into the future of what’s to come […]Read More
This dude is always up to something, you gotta love it. In fact, if you were to look at the man’s page at YouTube right now, you’ll see all kinds of audio & visual awesomeness already scheduled & set to premiere throughout the month. No one out there knows too much about the man behind […]Read More
If you require any proof that the past can be just as relevant today and still sound fresh AF in the process – look & listen no further than this track “BELLCAT” sliced from the stellar lineup of BROCK’s 2019 record F Concept. This dude has had his wheels turning so quickly it’s damn near […]Read More
Life in the fast lane y’all…does BROCK even know any other way to live? If you’ve been watching the slick & stylistic series of videos that BROCK has been dropping online over the past year or so, then you’ve seen his ability to pair the most ballin’ highlights of the good life with spectacularly radiant […]Read More
Niiiiiiiiiiiice title bud. Kinda implied though ain’t it? If it’s BROCK – of COURSE it’s 100% “BADASS!” As we’ve been alluding to many times over the past year in posts of his videos like “F CONCEPT,” “DAMARO,” and even more recently in his first video release of 2021 with “BEATAH” – this man has a […]Read More
BROCK…hmmm…BROCK… …that name really does sound familiar… Oh RIGHT – it’s this guy! The very same dude responsible for “DAAB” – “GLIDE” – “F CONCEPT” – “DISKER” – “DAMARO” – “DAHOE” – “DINGRAY” – “BHEVY” & “BEEP,” and has been dominating our pages, speakers, and screens with purely rad entertainment in all forms for months […]Read More
This dude is every bit as addicted to sheer sound as I am, and I am freakin’ HERE for it. From about October of last year, we’ve been chronicling the audible adventures of Electro-artist BROCK over the course of a whole series of singles & videos he’s been putting out to support the songs of […]Read More
For the record, as positive as I might seem to be in these posts & reviews I write here at sleepingbagstudios, the facts are that there are precious few bands & artists out there in the world who I’d consider to be able to do no wrong – and BROCK is fast becoming one of’em. […]Read More