Deltiimo – “Break Free” Feat. Veronica Largiu

 Deltiimo – “Break Free” Feat. Veronica Largiu

Deltiimo – “Break Free” Feat. Veronica Largiu – Single Review

Miracle Rave?  #CmonYall #FriendsDontLetFriendsMakeMoreGenres

Sooooooo yeah.  I’m gonna stick with EDM, because…sigh…because life is too short I guess.

To be completely fair, it’s not just music that’s been getting insane with how many genres there are – BIG FOOD has been trying to convince us of the same, albeit more quietly in the background.  When I was growing up (you know, back in the stone age) there were four main food groups.  Then it changed to five and eventually six…then a big jump to ten…and now in the world according to the internet I am supposed to believe there are twelve.  We are a society that is enslaved to the concept that MORE is always better, or somehow more accurate.  When it comes to music…I’m tellin’ ya…keep it simple.  I’m not disputing that Deltiimo’s new single is ‘Miracle Rave’ if that’s what it’s intended to be and/or that’s actually a real thing…I’m just saying more than half the planet ain’t gonna recognize that over just saying EDM.

Anyhow.  Rant complete!  As I always say around these parts, you do what you wanna do, I’m here to listen and observe.  Do you all remember the name of Veronica Largiu?  You should if you read these pages of ours, we introduced her to ya about a week ago in a pre-release review of her debut single called “Baby,” which is out there and available now.  As we mentioned in that article, she’s the newest member of Louca Music Records, which is the label of Gary Louca, aka Deltiimo…and so here we are in the land of cross-promotion and collaboration with a brand-new tune that features them both.  Call it Miracle Rave, call it EDM, call it whatever ya like folks – I promise you I’m still gonna sleep the same way every night – just be sure to actually have a listen to it when the song officially drops onto the internet this February 23rd.  Because if you are a fan of all-things-Electro and enjoy a great singer, there’s nothing I can think of that should stop you from enjoying this shiny new single they’ve got called “Break Free.”

That’s not to say I didn’t have a few slight concerns on my first listen or two.  The opening thirty seconds for example…it’s got a highly theatrical & LARGE beginning that sounds very much like the introduction before the main act…which ain’t necessarily a bad thing.  Lots of things have introductions…like I said, nothing wrong with that, but it can somewhat have the effect of making us want to get to the main part of the story on subsequent listens.  Even though Veronica sounded solid from the very start, the best of what she can do was revealed later on down the road when the song kicks into gear, and I felt like you can immediately feel that the game is officially on when the beat comes into play around the thirty second mark.  It’s like the entire song, Veronica and Deltiimo included, shift into another gear entirely.  From there on in, I felt like they really found the right energy together.  “Break Free” still draws heavily on Veronica’s all-around-entertainer personality and singing style, but the song becomes more focused on what’ll lead it to victory and they surge into its intensity, bringing their professionalism along for the ride.  Like…when Veronica sings “for there will come a day” – she sounds outta this world spectacular and creates a hook that is arguably both essential to this song and yet fairly passed over at the same time in favor of the rest as the beat increases and “Break Free” continues to bring the energy to your speakers.  Largiu will go on to reveal the showstopper she genuinely is through a MASSIVE performance that highlights how incredible she truly is.  With the layers of vocals and different gears you’ll find her singing in throughout this song, it’s like she’s a one-woman version of En Vogue with the same extreme level of talent.  While it’s fair to say that “Break Free” revisits terrain often explored thematically in just about every genre you can think of in some way, shape, or form – there’s a reason that musicians and artists continue to sing about the need for change, and that’s because we haven’t seen it happen yet.  Until it does, we’re gonna hear about it…and chances are, we’ll still hear about it after that as well – but, I suppose what I’m saying is that even though the topic is fairly familiar here, it’s a justifiable one.  When we eventually make that crucial cultural shift and stop normalizing violence, hunger, pain, inequality, injustice, and so on…then maybe we can go about our merry way and sing about something else for ya.  People write about what interests them and what they feel like is important, and I respect that.  As a firm believer in Matrix theory, I’m just data floating in a world where nothing is actually real…when I find people that are passionate enough to raise their voices and stand up for what they believe in, I’m just smart enough to know that’s something I should respect and admire, which I do.  “Break Free” is filled with wonderful ideals, positively inspired lyrics, and an invigorating energy that pairs with that very well.

Veronica sounds sensational, and I feel like we get a much clearer glimpse of what she’s capable of in this collaborative effort.  No surprises about the music and production – it’s Deltiimo…the man’s built a lengthy career on the fact that he gets things right – “Break Free” holds to his high standards in that regard for sure.  I feel like subsequent spins somewhat prove what I was saying about the introduction into “Break Free” to be accurate…but it’s the kind of move you can get away with every so often as long as you don’t pull that card every time.  All-in-all, Deltiimo and Largiu clearly make a great combination, and considering this is the first example of what they can accomplish together, I’d definitely give them a green light for the future ahead…if this is where it starts for them, imagine where it’ll end up one day!

Find out more about the music of Deltiimo at the official pages below!





Music Worx:

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