Veronica Largiu – “Baby”

 Veronica Largiu – “Baby”

Veronica Largiu – “Baby” – Single Review

Alrighty…so…we’ve got a brand-new signing to Louca Music Records as far as I’ve heard…that’d be Gary Louca, aka Deltiimo…y’all know the name and have seen it appear on these pages of ours many times for a wide variety of releases.  R&B/Pop singer Veronica Largiu has found her way to the label, and word on the street is that this shiny new single “Baby” is officially out now!

So what can I tell ya…let’s see, let’s see.  Veronica’s got a stellar voice, there’s no doubt about that.  I’m pretty confident in the fact that anyone tuning in for a second or longer would be able to tell she’s got a refined level of talent, and a style that has a real classic approach to a sound like you’ll find on “Baby.”  I’m certain she’s familiar with the greats that have paved the way for her today…artists that became icons like Toni Braxton, Lisa Stansfield, Vanessa Williams, Mariah Carey and such…names you know too.  That’d be the era we’re talking about in the context of a single like “Baby” and where the roots of the sound come from, which kind of works both for and against Veronica a little bit if I’m being honest with ya.  Clearly, a song called “Baby” is gonna have a tougher time standing out in a world that’s already filled with a whole bunch of those, and it’s fairly safe to say you can tell by the title alone that we’re heading into very familiar terrain for the type of music she’s making.  By that same token, those out there that love a more faithful adherence to the true sound of R&B/Pop that contains a classiness and grace that brings everything closer to the realm of Adult Contemporary, should be stoked about finding a new artist that has the kind of vibe they love to turn up for.  There’s a bit of a question surrounding whether or not “Baby” has enough standout elements to set Veronica apart for the talent she possesses in my personal opinion, which likely points to an opportunity to evolve and grow her material if that’s the direction she chooses to go in.  Otherwise, she’s good to go for making the kind of music that people are already well familiar with if she’d rather continue to makes tunes in a more traditional and tested sense.  She’s got a timeless sound and sensational vocals, now it’s all up to her as to how to use all that.

Because if we’re talking about execution and professionalism, I don’t think she has any concerns at all.  You listen to a song like “Baby” and it has all the fundamentals checked…there are no glaring omissions, and you can tell that Largiu is capable of tapping into the moment to get to her passionate best when it comes time to record.  From the lead to the background, she remains the standout element of a song like “Baby” without question.  Though I will definitely agree that the main hook is memorable, it is still tough to say whether or not the song, style, and genre creates enough of a space for her to stand out in this particular instance.  It’s kind of like hearing the humble beginnings of an artist that you know is capable of, and destined, for more.  Like how we knew Mariah was gonna go on to be huge through a low-key hit like “Love Takes Time” or even someone like Amy Grant with a song like…well…”Baby Baby.”  Anyhow…you get the point – it is practically impossible to say things within a love-song that we haven’t heard somewhere along the way, but in knowing that, you end up with artists like Veronica that are at least able to compensate by feeling the moment & making it more of a sensory experience for listeners.  Is it going to be enough?  Honestly, time will tell on this one…my gut tells me that “Baby” is a solid first step and all, but that we’re likely still going to hear the best of Veronica Largiu later on down the road.  As far as the upcoming release date is concerned, I’m sure Valentine’s Day is a good day to drop a loving single like this online.

No issues with quality in the music, “Baby” is right in line with how you’d want something like this to sound, and Veronica’s classically sensual approach to the vocals is a superb fit for the song.  We’re “makin’ love,” & spirits are “floating so high” and all that…like I was saying, we’ve been here before, but there’s a reason that these themes continually come back time & time again – which is because people love hearing about love, straight up, simple as that.  Obviously it helps to have a level of professionalism like you’ll find here with Veronica and a single like “Baby” that sounds as serene, polished, and calming as it is…all those things combined should have her heading in the right direction with her career overall.

Find out more about Veronica Largiu at this multi-link:

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