Gary Louca & Trovatori – Memories

 Gary Louca & Trovatori – Memories

Gary Louca & Trovatori – Memories – EP Review

The musically-inclined mind of artist Gary Louca, who many of you reading these pages of ours would know as Deltiimo from past reviews on songs he’s created like “Love Sometimes It Hurts,” “One Time,” “On My Own Again,” and “Buzzy Bees Are Everywhere” that he created with The Grandkids – has created a whole new realm of sound & story combined through his work on an animated project called The Spirit Of Toronto.  I’ll clarify for the people here in Canada reading our Canadian-based pages – not THAT Toronto…the other one of note, in the County Durham, way over in the UK where Gary is located.

Anyhow!  Dude’s setting himself up to do some really stellar things with his music this year – I think a lot of people out there are going to find a mix of real magic and joy combined into his work on The Spirit Of Toronto, and of course, his music in the soundtrack for it as well, which is really what’s got him on these pages of ours once again.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always got time for a cartoon or just about any kind of animation I can think of…it’s just not something I know a whole lot about I suppose.  I mean, if we’re splitting hairs, I don’t really know a whole lot about anything outside of what does or doesn’t sound good to me…I don’t even really know anything about the technical details of composition, or what an F minor would sound like, etc. – I’m just an average everyday normal guy out here commenting on tunes I stumble upon throughout the internet, nothing more, nothing less.  That being said, I’m happy to vouch on behalf of what I’m seeing in The Spirit Of Toronto so far, and definitely what I hear in the music too.

All-in-all, it’s genuinely ambitious stuff, and incorporates Gary’s natural ability to create art in his craft as a musician.  For example, you’ll hear in the beginning of “Memories,” one of the official songs in the soundtrack of The Spirit Of Toronto, Louca reading a passage from the series, which from what I gather & understand is a somewhat nearly supernatural tale that’s based up Gary finding a book of his own in real life, and then he has formed an entirely different & unique story around that moment from there.  It’s all quite something to experience when you get to see it in action – episode one will basically take you right back to the dawn of time and civilization and it shows you how our entire planet came to be!  Essentially detailing the battle between light & dark, you’ll realize just how much time & effort has been put in to every aspect of The Spirit Of Toronto through watching “The Chosen One” – it’s a short clip of just over three minutes, but you’ll discover how much of a combination of pure wonder and artistic detail is being put into this story overall.  The animation is fantastic, and it does a splendid job of taking its cues perfectly from Louca’s story – from this one episode alone, I’m willing to bet you’ll want more!

Now…as far as the main song that comes along with this whole idea, Gary’s got that smartly separated into different mixes and versions for you to enjoy it in a multitude of ways – and I can certainly tell ya that from my experience, I can’t imagine anyone out there having issues with any of’em.  I think there’s definitely a solid chance that he’s gonna get comparisons to Phil Collins this time around…with his gentle delivery and natural storyteller’s vibe, I think people will definitely feel like there are similarities between what he’s doing and say, the animated projects that Mr. Collins has found himself a part of over the years as well.  The first “Radio Mix” of “Memories” is a genuinely inspired listen from start to finish – not only does Gary and the music sound excellent together, but you’ve also got the renowned talents of Trovatori as the heavy hitter towards the end that brings this whole finale to new heights as it finishes.  Ultimately, Gary was looking to create a compelling combination of where Classical music meets Pop – and not only do I think he’s accomplished that goal, I’d say he’s gone many steps further with the subsequent versions that might even make a song like “Memories” that much more relevant by including more distinct digital vibes in variations like the “Deltiimo Trance Remix,” “Detiimo Electro Remix,” and “Deltiimo Electro Club Remix.”  You know how the kids out there are these days I tell ya – they like a beat, they like a track that’ll get their blood pumping and their energy moving – and with what Gary & Trovatori have gone on to create with this lineup of four official versions, they’ve given a song like “Memories” multiple shots at making an impact on ya.  To be truthful, it’s a really, really smart idea – when you’re trying to get a whole new series off the ground, the more angles you’ve got to use for promotion, the better off you’re generally going to be – the whole “Memories” single and its set of remixes puts them in a perfect position to have plenty to talk about, and tons to tie into the promotion of The Spirit Of Toronto as it begins to take off around the globe.  Which it will – I have full faith and confidence in what I’m seeing onscreen in the first episode, I really dig what I hear in each different version of “Memories,” and at the end of the day, I know Gary’s determined spirit and charm will open many doors for him as this train begins to leave the station.  Of course, if all else fails, you’ve got the world-class talents of singer Trovatori to also fall back on as well – he’s a magnificent vocalist and artist in his own right & I’m certain that he would attract the attention of many people checking this out too.

Do I have a favorite version?  I mean…if I’m being real with you, I like everything that I’ve heard in each version there is…so that should be a verifiable confidence booster – it’s a quality tune no matter which variation of it you end up listening to.  I’ll fully admit, I think the original is probably the most endearing version of it…the pace and space of “Memories” in the “Radio Mix” gives you a bit more time to digest and consider everything you’re listening to…and I suppose in the end, I think that’ll play to this song’s advantage for sure.  Overall though, I’m probably gonna side with the “Deltiimo Electro Club Remix” if I have my way, and for the most simple of reasons – we get to spend even MORE time with this song in that particular variation – it’s about a minute & fifteen seconds longer than the original “Radio Mix.”  So if you’re one of those folks like myself that enjoys MORE of a good thing, that version is guaranteed to give it to ya.  As for the whole fit of Trovatori and his classically-trained vocals in the thick of a modern-day digitalized sensation – I think you’ll likely find that it actually makes for a much better pairing than you’d probably imagine.  While it’s fair to say that it might not be everybody’s jam out there, which is basically true of all music anyhow, I think what you’ll find is that the resulting combination and infusion of their collective professionalism could very well go on to create some award-worthy buzz for the two.  I think that the whole realm of Classical & Opera could certainly use a champion that brings it into the modern era and makes it more relevant for today’s youth…and the combination of Deltiimo and Trovatori could absolutely accomplish that together through a song like “Memories.”  From the stellar sound, to the culture at the heart of it all, to the added pieces like the story at the start, or the backing vocals that fit into the mix of what we hear so seamlessly – it’s impossible to deny that they have something significantly special here all-around.  I’m excited to see where the storyline of The Spirit Of Toronto goes from here, and equally stoked about how the soundtrack could further develop as well.

So…yeah…I mean, ultimately, I’d get it if you were described what a song like “Memories” would be like in-print, and that many would still wonder whether or not it’s actually something they’d enjoy – in many ways, it seems like it’s an odd pairing…but wait until you hear it.  That’s the thing about real art folks – you just never know how it’ll go on to live a unique life of its own, with one piece inspiring another, and another, and so on.  Gary was clearly already excited about the idea that his music and story idea could work together originally, and then the addition of a spectacular talent like Trovatori for the vocals would have made this moment in his creative career even more special I’m sure.  It’s always a compliment to find genuinely talented artists that you want to work with are so willing to work with you in return.  That’s just the thing though folks…not only does art inspire art, but talent also attracts talent, naturally.

All-in-all, whether it’s the show or the soundtrack we’re talkin’ about, or both combined – I find it very easy to support artists like Gary Louca that bring tremendous passion, enthusiasm, and a genuine sense of wonder to the things they create – and you get that with “Memories” and The Spirit Of Toronto.  I have no doubt that this is likely going to be keeping him plenty busy over this next year or so to come, and who knows – with your support, and people tuning in from all around the globe, if something like The Spirit Of Toronto catches on as it should, it could end up being a project that will last a lifetime from here on in.  It’s always a pleasure to catch up with Deltiimo’s music and hear what he’s been up to next – and any time he wants to bring Trovatori around to join him is certainly fine by me.  A lot of people out there watching and listening are definitely going to appreciate the effort and detail put into this whole project from sight to sound, whether they’re kids, adults, or proud grandparents – there’s a little something in The Spirit Of Toronto for everyone from the screen to your speakers – so make sure to check it all out!  It takes a whole village of folks to raise a new series or show, and your support could very well be the difference between its green light and how far it travels from here.  Keep an eye out on the official links below, tune in and turn up, and support The Spirit Of Toronto from wherever you are!

Find out more about the music and stream “Memories” by Gary Louca & Trovatori at this official multi-link right here:

Stay tuned for more episodes of The Spirit Of Toronto at the official channel at YouTube right here:

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