“Sometimes it hits, sometimes it don’t – you never know.” #YaButWeFeelinItTho Pull up a chair yo – have a seat up in the front – we’ve got Chef The Chef cookin’ it up for ya from the backyard in a Kickback Session…and believe me when I say, this completely hits the spot right now. Not […]Read More
Life in the fast lane y’all…does BROCK even know any other way to live? If you’ve been watching the slick & stylistic series of videos that BROCK has been dropping online over the past year or so, then you’ve seen his ability to pair the most ballin’ highlights of the good life with spectacularly radiant […]Read More
Well hello there to you too Dizmation – and where-oh-where have you been all my life!?! Dude’s about to drop his debut record in just a few day’s time on February 10th…and if this single doesn’t get ya excited about that fact, your ears are straight-up broken. If you dig your Indie/Alt-Rock…if you listen to […]Read More
Let’s get technical! This may very well be both one of the coolest & controversial aspects of our growing music-scene that we post up here on our pages this year…because…well, brace yourselves…AUDOIR is led by SAM…which is A.I. That’s right, as in, the same A.I. you know to mean artificial intelligence – and SAM has […]Read More
This is how you get it done y’all! If you read the online bio about Athens, Greece-based artist ArisYea, you’ll find he pretty much started up his whole music career to keep him doing SOMETHING, in a sincere effort to not die of boredom during these isolated & quarantined times we’ve all been living in […]Read More
Props to this man right here and the amount of work he’s been puttin’ into the grind over these past couple years – you can visually SEE just how much Kyro’s got his head in the game right now with the huge list of singles & records he’s been droppin’ online since 2019 before you […]Read More
Trey Wonder…TELL US HOW YOU FEEL, WOULD YA? While the onslaught of pandemic-based tunes was an inevitability for the music-scene & how it reliably documents our times, for the most-part, it’s despite the bombardment of’em here on our pages over this past year, it’s actually been a pretty unique experience in seeing how many different […]Read More
“I’m just doing my best here with a brain that switches to first gear…” #mandoIfeelthatorwhat! Are they allowed to break all these rules at once and just get away with being this addictive? Glass Cases is onto something special here by not doing anything in a remotely typical way, and latching straight onto a new […]Read More
Dig this man right here – Michael Carter’s got the right idea, the right influences guiding him along, and certainly a plethora of skillful artists more than willing to lend their time & talents to collaborations that dive deep into the old-school of R&B/Soul, which you’ll find all throughout his latest record You’ve Been Good […]Read More
803Grizz is goin’ straight-up cinematic on ya with his video for “Ghetto Tears” y’all! “Them haters gon’ hate – and they SHOULD!” #facts. Bringing the action to your screens and the heat to your speakers, 803Grizz drops confident bars and rhythmic hooks all throughout the intense atmosphere on his single “Ghetto Tears” – and he’s […]Read More