Well, well, well…what DO we have here BROCK? Aside from his single “BADASS” released earlier this year, technically we started listening to BROCK post-release of his first two records, Without Boundaries and F Concept – which makes this cut “ANUBIS” the second track that gives us some insight into the future of what’s to come […]Read More


This dude is always up to something, you gotta love it. In fact, if you were to look at the man’s page at YouTube right now, you’ll see all kinds of audio & visual awesomeness already scheduled & set to premiere throughout the month.  No one out there knows too much about the man behind […]Read More

Mark DiPino – “Love Goes Viral”

With so many artists & bands & people out there in the world focused all too much on the many hardships & personal issues experienced during the days of Covid – it’s excellent to find someone like Mark DiPino that has found a much more positive perspective on how the pandemic has affected us all.  […]Read More


A stellar dose of style, swagger, and real personality on display flows all throughout the latest joint by NOAH called “LIE TO” – this man here clearly knows how to make a solid impact in less than two minutes.  With a melodic flow to his Trap backed by a subtle beat and his homeboy UNO […]Read More


If you require any proof that the past can be just as relevant today and still sound fresh AF in the process – look & listen no further than this track “BELLCAT” sliced from the stellar lineup of BROCK’s 2019 record F Concept.  This dude has had his wheels turning so quickly it’s damn near […]Read More

KILJIN – “Point Of No Change”

“We do not need to know the Future, for we have seen the Present and the sight is more than we can bear.” If you were following our pages towards the end of last year, KILJIN is definitely a name you’re familiar with by now – we’ve featured several of their cuts from their debut […]Read More

Chef The Chef – “Kickback Session”

“Sometimes it hits, sometimes it don’t – you never know.”  #YaButWeFeelinItTho Pull up a chair yo – have a seat up in the front – we’ve got Chef The Chef cookin’ it up for ya from the backyard in a Kickback Session…and believe me when I say, this completely hits the spot right now.  Not […]Read More


Life in the fast lane y’all…does BROCK even know any other way to live? If you’ve been watching the slick & stylistic series of videos that BROCK has been dropping online over the past year or so, then you’ve seen his ability to pair the most ballin’ highlights of the good life with spectacularly radiant […]Read More

Dizmation – “Still”

Well hello there to you too Dizmation – and where-oh-where have you been all my life!?! Dude’s about to drop his debut record in just a few day’s time on February 10th…and if this single doesn’t get ya excited about that fact, your ears are straight-up broken.  If you dig your Indie/Alt-Rock…if you listen to […]Read More

AUDOIR – “Let Our Dreams Fall Down”

Let’s get technical! This may very well be both one of the coolest & controversial aspects of our growing music-scene that we post up here on our pages this year…because…well, brace yourselves…AUDOIR is led by SAM…which is A.I. That’s right, as in, the same A.I. you know to mean artificial intelligence – and SAM has […]Read More