Lazarus Benson – “Escape”

 Lazarus Benson – “Escape”

Lazarus Benson – “Escape” – Single Review

Eventually, no matter how hard or how fast we run, the icy grip of time comes to claim us all in some way.  Some of us choose to adapt and find ways to push things forward, and some try their level best to cling to what was.  Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with going either direction, but the reality is, the planet and its people only go one way for the most part.  That being said, in the realm of music, we know there’s a cyclical nature of sound we’ve always been able to bank on – what was old will indeed become new again one day, it’s just a matter of time.  When it comes to Nu-Metal or Rap-Rock, we’re still well inside of the space in between…it’s definitely not experiencing its renaissance yet and likely isn’t due for that to come around for several more years, and it’s extremely tough to create something that sounds fresh enough to not seem old.  Lazarus Benson has been doing what he can to keep the candle burning, and who can blame him?  Make the music you wanna hear in this world I say!  Whether or not people are listening en masse, or just a few people…honestly, why would you wanna make any other kind of music than what you truly like to listen yourself?  Even when Benson would have started making his own tunes, the Nu-Metal/Rap-Rock revolution had already long passed by…but the sheer fact that he’s still willing to make more should be all the proof you’d need to know he’s not alone in what he likes.  Where there’s one of us, there are a thousand more…tons of people out there around the globe still dig the combination of agro-sound/self-despairing lyricism…and if that’s you, then rock the fuck on.

I ain’t here to necessarily be the judge & jury on what you SHOULD like, I just try to remain an objective listener as best I can be.  Sure you’ll pick up on what I do or don’t like on a personal level, but I try not to dominate the story.  Music is really all about what it makes us feel in some way, shape, or form – and of course I have an opinion like anyone else would, but for the most part, I’m here more to act like some kind of soundboard that tells ya whether or not you’re on target for the kind of songs YOU wanna create, regardless of what I’d personally think about’em.  Lazarus has always had an impressive gift for production, that’s the reality and I’d never tell ya otherwise.  Am I the go-to guy for Rap-Rock?  Heck no!  So take anything I’d say with a grain of salt…it’s not really my genre anymore, though I was an intense fan at one point when it first became popular.  As far as I’ve heard, “Escape” is already making an impression on people out there…it’s not due to be released for a while, but Benson’s trackin’ pre-saves comin’ in at a rapid rate – so right on!  No one needs my opinion in such an instance – the people are already rendering their verdict, and if they’re coming out to listen, that’s always a good thing, am I right?

In terms of what I personally hear on “Escape,” which I’m told is a track that is bringing Lazarus Benson back to his roots, I think I’m pretty much feeling how I usually feel about the majority of his material – it’s the music that’ll always stand out to me the most.  Vocally, I think the Rap verses are solid and I dig the infusion of personality you hear in those.  Chorus-wise, I’m not entirely indifferent there either – I think the hooks are tangible, though I do feel like there are spots that could be a bit stronger and lyrically tread into terrain we’ve certainly heard from Benson in different incarnations previously.  That chorus part is challenging to sing, that’s facts…ultimately, I think he holds his own, and there’s no shame in that.  I think for myself, it was right around the breakdown towards the 2:30 mark that I started to feel like “Escape” was starting to pull me onboard the most – and I felt like some of the best backing vocals you’ll hear occur throughout the finale of its last thirty seconds or so.  Musically, Lazarus is as inarguably explosive and energetically impactful as ever…”Escape” is a gritty tune that’s meant to be as powerfully evocative as it is venomously inspired, and I feel like Benson succeeds in getting that across through the music he’s made here.  Lyrically, he always seems to be seeking a way to even the score in life somehow…”always kick me when I’m down, but I’m laughing at you now” – it’s an effective hook and it’s memorable…so that checks the right boxes even if it’s something that feels consistently familiar in the themes & concepts his music revolve around.  I’d imagine the reality for anyone out there feeling that way is that you’re gonna keep screamin’ about that imbalance until the day the issue is finally resolved…it’s just a little unclear as to whether or not that day ever comes, or if the point is actually to stay angry.  Forever would be a long time to be pissed off I reckon, but it’s not my place to say.  I’m not one of those people that Lazarus is railing against when he sings “they don’t wanna see me win” – I wanna see us ALL win, thriving in the art, the craft, and doing whatever it is we love doin.’  That certainly includes Lazarus too.  “Escape” is a fairly lateral move for the man once again…I’m not gonna lie to him about that, but I’d definitely say that if you’re a fan of what he creates, or you enjoy your Nu-Metal tunes, I’m sure you’ll find lots to dig about his new single.  That next revolution in Rap-Rock might still be some time away, but you’d never know by listening to Benson’s music – he’s still clearly as into it as he’s ever been, and if he has to go it alone to bring it back to the top of this music scene we share, I’m sure he’s both willing, and able.

Pre-save Lazarus Benson’s new single “Escape” at this link here:

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