Good Spells – “Monsters”

 Good Spells – “Monsters”

Good Spells – “Monsters” – Single Review

Somewhere over in the UK, our hero here is found in a converted Airstream he calls the Spells’ Lab…

It’s been a minute or two since we last had Good Spells on these pages of ours, but not so long that the name doesn’t still get auto-filled in the search function of sleepingbagstudios whenever I go to check on that.  He’s never too far from that next single, and we’ve always enjoyed what this guy has cooked up to a degree…there have been varying levels of how much at times, but by the same token, I think the largest criticism I’ve ever levelled at Good Spells was that his music was almost TOO consistent.  Is that necessarily criticism at all, or is it just merely an observation?  It’s probably an invitation to make a few changes and a bit of a challenge to shake things up a little bit…but honestly, I do admire his consistency.  Look at it this way…Good Spells has got a distinguishable signature sound…and considering he’s only been releasing tracks under this moniker for the past two-three years, that’s pretty damn impressive.  A signature sound and sonic identity can take an entire lifetime for an artist or band to achieve, if they’re ever lucky enough to achieve it at all.  Good Spells is technically well ahead of the game at this point.

So now it’s really just about innovating the sound within the sound, you feel me?  You still wanna hang on to that identity once you’ve got it…hell, most folks in the biz would tell you that’s CRUCIAL…but that doesn’t mean you can’t go exploring straight out to the fringe of what it can be to find out what you can do with it – of course you can!  For a brief minute or two there, it felt like Good Spells was reaching a bit of a plateau towards the end of 2023 with releases like “Beyond” and “Time Again” – both solid tunes, but very much like the Good Spells we know Good Spells to be.  This new single “Monsters” is a much better glimpse of how to make enough subtle changes to make a world of difference, and in my personal opinion, it’s one of the most engaging cuts I think that he’s added to his catalog as of late.  The quality in what this dude creates has never been in question – let me be crystal clear about that – it’s been more about the dynamics and whether or not he’s done quite enough to keep the ears out there invested.  As far as “Monsters” is concerned, I feel like Good Spells has taken the best of what works in his music and evolved it even further by supplying those necessary dynamics to get a bit more out of his new material.

Essentially, it’s the Good Spells you know and love, but with all the details you wanna find to hear this project at its best.  Above all things, I feel like one of the most important aspects of what gives a track like “Monsters” the edge over some of the others in the GS catalog to-date is how it seems to make the hooks a real priority this time around.  Don’t get me wrong, there are ALWAYS hooks to be found in the music and certainly within the production of Good Spells, every time – but by that same token, I think it’s still fair to say that there are absolutely hooks that can be more accessible and effective than others, which is what you’ll find at the core of “Monsters.”  I tend to really dig on tracks like this one, because it’s a perfect example of how to not compromise your signature sound, while still keeping your audience in mind, you feel me?  You wanna find that balance between what keeps you content as a creator, but you also wanna make sure you’re putting out material that keeps people coming back for another listen too…and I feel like that’s what Good Spells has done with “Monsters” overall.  It’s not always the easiest line to walk when it comes to satisfying our own artistic needs and the desires of a listening audience, but it feels like Good Spells achieves that perfectly with a seamless cut like this new single.  It’s a strong representation of what he’s capable of, and it’s also a song that shifts towards being more memorable than some of what we’ve experienced in the past, which is always a good indication for the future ahead.  With such a dedicated low-key vibe and sound, I’ll readily admit that it can be a lot tougher for listeners to get excited about singles with this kind of sleepier energy, but Good Spells has gone about compensating for that the right way by including the kind of hooks that’ll hold up strong over time.  Beyond that, what can be perceived to be a sleepier type of style and sound is revealed to be anything but when you pay attention to the sharp focus and professional detail in a track like “Monsters” as well.

This dude always crosses his Ts and dots his Is…and he always gives you something visually awesome to check out with the videos supporting his singles as well.  Listeners and viewers appreciate and respect the level of dedication and professionalism found in what Good Spells creates, and “Monsters” is sure to please those tuning in from sight to sound.

Find out more about Good Spells from the official website at:

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