Deltiimo – “Hypersonic” Feat. Veronica Largiu

 Deltiimo – “Hypersonic” Feat. Veronica Largiu

Deltiimo – “Hypersonic” Feat. Veronica Largiu – Single Review

How many times in your life have you heard the notorious phrase, “video killed the radio star,” long ago added to the lexicon via The Buggles, ever since they added this ironic cut to the first MTV broadcast way back in the day?  Countless times, right?  You know what’s kind of like…really unfair, in my opinion?  The fact that we don’t really get to hear about the other side of that story.  How many times has a great video been able to enhance the experience of something you’re listening to?  Probably more times than most of us dedicated listeners might actually want to admit if we’re being totally honest, yet they wouldn’t continue to exist, thrive, and be posted daily millions of times if they weren’t as crucial as they are.  We’re living in a multi-media world, and having a great video can lead to a whole different realm of your success.  Video didn’t kill the radio star at all; it’s likely helped create way more than it’s murdered.

We’re also living through the rapidly advancing “assistance” of AI.  For some, that’s going to be entirely beneficial, for others, sure, it’ll become a virtual nightmare invading your daily realities.  Technologies have always been a tool for us to use – and it continues to be up to us as to how much we choose to use them.  Gary Louca, aka Deltiimo, chose to use AI to help create a kickass video for his new single called “Hypersonic” that features music from his longtime collaborator Bradon Grobler, and vocals from his record label’s current superstar Veronica Largiu – and look at how well this turned out, will ya?  We hear so much about how the machines are gonna take us over, yet when we’re working WITH them, humans tend to find exciting new ways to do great new things.  I really enjoyed this storyline of an animated Deltiimo living life as an astronaut, deciding to leave Earth forever and travel the universe instead – I think that opens up the door to a whole world of possibilities and potential for futuristic videos ahead.  Truly – think about it – when you’re out there in the unknown, you’ve got the artistic license to create whatever the heck it is that you’d ever want to, and the only limitations you’ll find are imposed by the reaches of your own imagination.  Deltiimo’s got a whole universe of ideas…and if it’s already this cool to see what he’s done with the assistance of AI, it’ll be amazing to see what else he’ll come up with too.

Of course, as much as I appreciate something awesome to look at while I’m listening to music, ultimately I’m still here to pass on what I’m hearing in the songs I’m listening to.  While I wouldn’t go as far as to say there are any significant technical issues with “Hypersonic,” you’ll find something interesting about how this collaborative effort shapes itself & the results you’ll experience – let me explain.  We’ve already established that Deltiimo’s single, edited & produced by Gary, works wonders onscreen – so you can add a checkmark in the win column there.  Veronica sounds as fantastic as we know her to be, and that’s another positive.  Bradon’s music production here, is tight as tight can be at all the corners, and delivers the professionalism you wanna find within Electro-based music.  Ultimately, everything checks out, and everyone involved has brought their A-game to their own individual parts – sounds great, right?

Which almost makes it perplexing that this otherworldly single becomes a lot more ordinary than you might assume it would be after all of the sensational ingredients it possesses.  This is why I’m arguing on behalf of a video giving a song a boost this time around…sometimes it’s what can turn the ordinary into something more extraordinary, and I feel like that was somewhat necessary this time around, even with everyone involved doing such a notably sensational job with what they were individually responsible for.  Because look…I’ll be honest with ya…Grobler’s got a very lengthy resume of accomplishments, and part of me suspects that he could create the music of a song like “Hypersonic” with the mere snap of his fingers at this point in his career.  Doesn’t make the results any less excellent on a technical level, but it does seem to be a little more standard and familiar to what we have heard countless times throughout the history of Electro music, and I’d certainly argue he could potentially challenge himself a bit more on a creative level to design something that’s a little more outta the box, you know what I mean?  So then it kind of falls on Largiu’s shoulders to create that substantial difference through what she brings to the microphone…and while she sounds spectacular & as spot-on as ever, I don’t know that she’s able to shift “Hypersonic” into something altogether new with the music she’s working with.  To me, what they end up with on this single is actually quite reminiscent of acts you’d find in the early 90s…think along the lines of game-changers like 2 Unlimited, C+C Music Factory, or Snap! and megahits like “Rhythm Is A Dancer” – that’s the kind of song they’ve got here with “Hypersonic.”  Again, nothing at all wrong with that…comparisons are natural, and these are all good ones – it’s not always easy to do something completely new, nor is that always the goal.  Having said that, it can be even more important in a case like this to find some kind of compelling angle to compensate for the others in order to generate that level of stimulating entertainment we’re all seeking out – and to me, that’s where this video comes in.

With such a reliable producer at the helm, such a reliably talented singer, and a technically sound song from every angle you can examine it from, it’s almost crazy to think that “Hypersonic” still needed something else to raise the level of its appeal in this modern-day era we’re living in where we’ve seen and heard it all – but that’s the case, and here we are.  Thankfully, Deltiimo was wise enough to know that might end up being the perception, and decided to pull out all the stops by enlisting AI to create a dynamic eye-catching video to increase the odds of this new single’s success.  Personally, I think that it was a good move, and I feel like it worked.  On its own, listening to “Hypersonic” can feel like a bit of a typical Electro tune that has the risk of being passed over, despite all the professionalism and excellent performances by all involved – but with the video being so interesting and engaging, I feel like this cut has a wildly different chance of success and ability to reach the audience that their efforts deserve.   So you see folks?  Video doesn’t always come for the radio star with a hatchet in hand, frothing at the mouth and excited for the chance to chop another to bits…sometimes it’s there to rescue a decent song and propel it to another level of our enjoyment.  The same can be said of AI…maybe it’s not going to wipe out humanity as we know it…perhaps it’ll help us create a whole new dimension of art that we couldn’t have conceived ourselves.  The point is – embrace the tools you have at your disposal – they might just give you the advantage you’re looking for in order to turn something good into something great – when you consider everything involved in “Hypersonic,” that’s how it all turned out in the end.

Find out more about the music of Deltiimo at the official pages below!





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