Veronica Largiu – “Morning Light”

 Veronica Largiu – “Morning Light”

Veronica Largiu – “Morning Light” – Single Review

I think there’s always something to be said about an artist that really understands the sound they’re working with, and I suppose if that’s the case, then there’s arguably even more to be said about a whole team in that regard.  We introduced you to Veronica Largiu through her debut single “Baby” last month, and we went on to continue our coverage of her ground breaking year through her recent collaboration with Deltiimo on “Break Free” – and we’re back again to talk about her brand-new song called “Morning Light” released officially today.  Written by Gary Louca & Philip Graham Owen, with additional production added by Bradon Grobler, and Veronica’s vocals to tie it all together, “Morning Light” is a genuine team effort that yields the maximum results out of each member to achieve their vision.

Personally, I feel like what makes collaborations like these interesting is that when you’re dealing with a group of professionals that are spread out on both sides of the studio boards, it’s really more of a matter of doing whatever they put their minds to.  Which is why I say that there’s something to be said about understanding the sound you’re going for, you know what I mean?  Ultimately, it’s a similar process to that of an actor to a degree.  Does every actor completely feel like every single movie they’re in is a complete and total representation of who they are on the inside?  Honestly, that’d be pretty unlikely – that’s not really what acting is all about in the first place.  The challenge, the excitement, and the art is in finding out what you can do outside of who you are, and whether or not you can do things that might not even come naturally to you at all – make sense?  So don’t get me wrong…maybe this is the exact sound, style, and vibe that Veronica is looking to create with her music and career – she’d be the better person to ask about that than I would be – but what I’m saying, is that regardless of whether it is or it isn’t, she’s risen to the task of finding a way to be the perfect fit in this new role she has as a solo artist.  When you listen to the sleek design of a song like “Morning Light” and how seamlessly everything fits together, I think you have to admire the collective professionalism that achieves these kind of results.

So…let’s be clear here.  Ultimately, the main strengths exist in the performance you’ll find from Largiu, and she’s drawing that from her extensive training & experience, in addition to the confidence she has in the team behind her and the material itself.  As far as the writing of “Morning Light” is concerned, again, I’d tell ya that we’re experiencing a very tightly executed idea by a team that’s on a mission – there are no glaring omissions in this single, and there’s really nothing I can think of that they could have potentially done any better than what we hear in the final results.  Where I feel like there’s a genuinely interesting conversation to be had, revolves much more around the relevance of what “Morning Light” sounds like, and where it’ll fit out there in the world today.  Honestly, I think it really depends on where you’re living geographically to a large degree, because let’s be real here, there are noticeable differences in the way the scene has evolved and shaped itself all over the globe.  I think it would be foolish for me to say any one part of the world would be backwards from the rest, but there are parts that move the needle slower in the sense that, well…I mean, they like what they like and they love what they love and they don’t really wanna move on from that.  And nor should they!  Life is short y’all – listen to the music you wanna listen to in the time you’ve got, and turn it up loud and proud I say!  So believe me…over there in the European regions, they’ll ravenously eat this new Largiu single up – this would still be a highly relevant style and sound in a lot of that part of the world.  In the UK club scene, it’ll stand a solid chance of being well received too…especially when the DJs get their hands on it and start making their multiple remixes and dance mixes etc. etc. etc. – and I’d say that’s fairly true of places like South America as well…”Morning Light” has a style & sound very well suited for that region as well.  In the part of the world I’m living in over here in Canada, or in the USA down south of where I am, there’s no doubt that “Morning Light” will be looked at as a throwback style of Pop/R&B sound that we’ve explored plenty throughout the years from the late 80s on forward.  Nothing wrong with that of course – listeners all over the globe love retro ideas of all kinds in music no matter where they live.  All I’m saying is that it’ll be interesting to see what the reaction is from place to place, which is essentially what has always made it easier or more challenging to break into certain markets for different artists since the dawn of time.  The internet helps transcend some of those barriers for sure, but they still exist.

As I’ve said many times on these pages of ours, all you can ever do is control what you can.  Like Largiu and her team have done with “Morning Light,” they’ve put the work into every aspect of this single and that’s all you can ever ask.  The main hooks are highly memorable, the production sparkles and shines, the song is completely danceable and works its magic in a sensual & soulful way…Veronica continues to show the world why she’s got a whole team built around her that believes in her talent, 100%.  This is another quality step in the right direction for Largiu and her career overall.  I’ve seen a bunch of her vocal coaching videos on YouTube and whatnot…so believe me when I tell ya, there’s still a whole bunch of other things that make her voice incredible that we’ve yet to hear in the more controlled environments of songs like “Baby” and “Morning Light” – she’s got fireworks inside of her and it’ll be great to hear material that really lets us hear that side of her later on down the road too.  But as it stands now, there’s no reason to complain that I can think of…Veronica Largiu is a born entertainer, she’s every bit as professional as the team surrounding her, and she’s destined for noteworthy success.

Find out more about Veronica Largiu from the official pages below!

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