Sam Northwood – “Want To Be Home”

Sam Northwood – “Want To Be Home” – Single Review You’ve absolutely GOT to love how authenticity and genuine artists are such a reoccurring theme here at sleepingbagstudios; I know that I sure do. When I stumble across artists like Sam Northwood…it’s the kind of thing that makes all this music-reviewing stuff worth so much […]Read More

The 99 – “Rough Times In America,” “We Ain’t Buyin,’”

The 99 – “Rough Times In America,” “We Ain’t Buyin,’” “Do You Wanna Go” – Singles Review I can’t say quite enough…how enlightening and how exceptional my entire day has been. It’s been a long time since the ONLY activity I did in a day was simply sit and listen…I’m always doing too many things […]Read More

itsDICE – “Changing”

itsDICE – “Changing” – Single Review Alright…you can call me out on this one if you wanna…but I’m supporting this track. Rapper itsDICE has just released his brand new single/video for the single “Changing,” and while I’ve been concentrating on rap with some severe social commentary today, it’s cool to kick back and enjoy a […]Read More

Jared Wesley – “Plessy V. Ferguson (20??)”

Jared Wesley – “Plessy V. Ferguson (20??)” – Single Review This is important. Do you like music that’s important? You might not even know, you might never have heard anything through music that packs a politically aware and pointed view like this does. I personally think that this is the biggest and most obvious hole […]Read More

The Slit – “Powder”

The Slit – “Powder” – Video-Single Review Not sure if I’ve ever even done this before, so why not take on another extended branch of what we do here at sleepingbagstudios and review the occasional video as well! I certainly can’t think of any reason why we wouldn’t, and what better way to start it […]Read More

DF3 – “Tell Me”

DF3 – “Tell Me” – Single Review Synth-pop band DF3 have just released their debut single into the world and it’s a hot one; “Tell Me” is a flawless production through and through, showing real promise for this 3 piece band for the future to come. With its slow and steady pulse and driving chorus, […]Read More

JL Universe – “Y”

JL Universe – “Y” – Single Review Every once in a while, you just need something that sounds HUGE…you know, those tracks that get your ears excited…music you might not even normally listen to but all of a sudden it’s the exact break and sound you were longing for, but never knew exactly what it […]Read More

The New Ages – “The Forest/Destruction Holds The Key”

The New Ages – “The Forest”/”Destruction Holds The Key” – Singles Review Awesome! Always love to see great musicians still out there making great music! Here we are, with The New Ages gracing our pages once again – it’s been awhile since we’ve heard from them with our last review for their EP Piper Man taking place […]Read More

Morning Fame – “Dreamality”

Morning Fame – “Dreamality” – Single Review With a misty & whispering opening, the new single from Canada’s own East-coast pop/rock sensation starts out subdued as it takes you through the fog. There’s a hint of epic-ness, just around the corner…it’s something you can FEEL; those opening moments provide a real chill of premonition. Morning Fame for […]Read More

Evin Gibson – “Instant Fire” & “Alarm”

Evin Gibson – “Instant Fire” & “Alarm” – Singles Review Evin Gibson is definitely onto something here… Checking into his latest single, “Instant Fire” – I think I might have just discovered one of today’s future songwriters in the R&B/Soul/Pop section of our lives. The song embodies a familiar style of modern soul, almost bringing in […]Read More