Mario Marco Farinato – “Ultimo Respiro (Live Version)”

 Mario Marco Farinato – “Ultimo Respiro (Live Version)”

Mario Marco Farinato – “Ultimo Respiro (Live Version)” – Single Review

This dude never gets old.

We talk a lot about music we love as critics & reviewers…or at least, I hope we’re not all complainers & that there’s a few of us fightin’ the good fight on behalf of the independent artists & bands out there.  Over time, through experience, if we’re lucky, we can get a real glimpse of what life is like for the musicians involved…start to…get a sense of what they do from day to day, how creatively inspired they are, how much they push themselves to get to that next or have their music be heard by the people.

I’ve been listening to Mario Marco Farinato for over three full years now.  I honestly couldn’t tell ya 100% if he’s ever really gotten better than when I first heard him, if I’m being truthful with you all.  That being said, the whole truth, is that he’s truly always been awesome from the very first moment I heard him – and he’s never stopped being awesome ever since.  In a world full of music where it’s hard to break the barriers many international artists can face in getting the attention their songs, art, and craft deserve – Mario Marco has consistently beaten the odds and never delivered a damn thing that wasn’t completely entertaining, full of impressive instrumentation, and created with the purest of passions.  He is, without question, one of the few rare artists out there that I feel like I could sit and listen to all day long, every single day, and for the rest of my happy life…I’m not speaking in hyperbole – he is THAT good.  You just wanna pull up a chair, sit, and listen to Mario Marco play…it’s truly gorgeous stuff – check it out for yourself below!

I reviewed this song in a different form back in January of 2017 – I loved it then, I love it just as much now.  Farinato’s got himself a new guitar to play and a loop effect pedal to work with, a shiny studio microphone, his immaculate technique & talent and the heart of a freakin’ LION when it comes to making music.  Combing brilliantly melodic hooks that seem to come from the purest of places deep inside him, “Ultimo Respiro” comes back in its new form as stunning as ever, revealing that incredible connection Mario Marco has to music both through the sound of the song itself, & of course, the video.  Musicians out there could definitely take a page or two out of this man’s playbook…what he’s doing here is certainly never a bad idea and a great chance to give an excellent song a complete second life.

What is true of “Ultimo Respiro” here is true of most, if not all of the music I personally know of from Mario Marco Farinato – it all displays that shining & stunning natural bond he has with the guitar, his heartfelt vocal-melodies, and plenty of genuine character throughout his entire performance.  You can find it in the musicianship, you can certainly find it in the vocals as well – he’s can definitely sing & write a captivating tune and I can’t imagine anyone out there arguing otherwise, based on what you’ll hear from him in this live performance video/new single.  Most notably perhaps, Mario Marco has that warm & comforting sound you just want more of, straight-up…and seeing him nestled right inside his studio, right where he belongs, happy as a clam in his own environment, you’ll see it leads him to a completely calm, cool, & collected performance that gets the best out of him personally, & I’d say the song as well.

There’s a soulful sound that seems to always work its way into Mario Marco’s music – and as I’ve said many times on these pages, when it comes to international artists, this is how they beat the odds.  Songs like “Ultimo Respiro” go far beyond the words and genuinely touch the heart through the sincerity you’ll find in the writing, melody, and performance.  He ALWAYS plays with incredible passion, he always puts his heart into his vocals…ultimately, Mario Marco Farinato is not just one of my own personal favorites that we’ve discovered here over the years on our site, he’s one of the most consistent artists out there in the music-scene right now, always with something new…new song, new video, new performance, new live show, new bands & projects starting on his NEW label & production website…the list goes on.

And it’s as endlessly impressive as it is inspiring – he’s a true man of music from the moment he opens his eyes to the moment he closes them at night…and even then, I’d imagine he’s still dreaming in 4/4.  Always a pleasure to listen to Mario Marco’s music and he certainly doesn’t disappoint with this new live-studio single – “Ultimo Respiro” is a timeless melody that’s always welcome on our playlists any day.

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