Mario Marco Farinato – “Bambino Migrante”

Mario Marco Farinato – “Bambino Migrante” – Music Video Release/Review
This guy!
Always stoked to see Mario Marco Farinato pop onto our screens and onto our playlists…dude’s a fantastic musician that instantly makes me appreciate just how awesome it is to experience artists on an international level – and he’s really outdone himself this time when it comes to that regard. As you can probably glean from his name, Mario Marco, aka Panchopigna, is Italian…he’s got the words translated into French on the official video – which he FILMED in France, with over 100 musicians from ten different nationalities about the current migrant situation in Italy, which also just happens to echo the sentiments of millions across the globe right now. You following me?
Farinato was even kind enough to translate the lyrics into English…because I was curious. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always felt you can learn a ton about an artist from the music they make…and even though almost every time I hear Mario Marco’s music, I have no idea what he’s actually singing about – his gift for melody, fantastic voice, and extremely impressive instrumentation have always broken through. With all-things-migrant being a hot-button issue in today’s political climate however…I suppose I just wanted to confirm that MMF was on the good side of the argument, which I truly figured he would be. And of course he is…had I watched the video before harassing him for a translation of the lyrics, anyone could see for themselves, visibly, that he’s created a single that speaks to the core of our shared humanity. Essentially, whether it’s from the video or the song itself, you can get to the heart of what he’s getting at here easily…the notion that we all come from somewhere…that we share this world together. Like I said, it’s something that you see politicians grappling with around the planet right now – Farinato has written this specifically about Italy in many ways, but you’ll see it applies to us all. The video will also go on to splice together different scenes of historical figures you’ll recognize in an effort to drive his points home even more…to highlight the fact that there are always people in power out there that are going to tell you where you can or can’t be – but more important fact, is that the world is ours; always has been, always will be. Culturally, we’ve seen all kinds of places waking up to these facts – the people, united, together, are finding ways to make change. Artists like Panchopigna here, are often a large part of the social-consciousness waking up…we need guys like this out there more than ever; because wherever there are unnecessary restrictions & laws…you’ll find people just like Mario everywhere too, in the form of protests, art, and music, ever-present and determined to balance the scales of justice for all.
We’re all in this together…each and every one of us…artists like Farinato understand that completely and choose to use their platform, their voice, and their words, for the greater good of us all. Plus, as if I even need to mention this – the song “Bambino Migrante” is as excellent as you’d expect from good ol’ MMF. It’s a perfect translation of the song’s overall message really…like the musical, soul-soothing form of what it sounds like when you know that ‘everything is gonna be okay’ after all, no matter how bad it might seem at the time. It’s the kind of melody that goes straight to your heart, ready to call it home.
There you go! You’ve now seen it for yourself, you’ve heard it – we can all agree, he’s done an exceptionally gorgeous job with “Bambino Migrante” has he not? I gotta say…he created solid verses for this single, but it really is the way the whole chorus lifts this track right up that really creates the magic. Every time it comes around, you can feel that energy, passion, and the weight of the melody make an impact on you – that’s a spectacular melody, through and through. Definitely no doubt in my mind that the sweetness of “Bambino Migrante” will reach many hearts & minds out there listening; and all for good reason – MMF has built a song that stands up proudly, boldly, and beautifully, on all our behalves.
Find more music from Mario Marco Farinato at his channel at YouTube here:
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