Galliano Sommavilla – “Watch Your Step”

 Galliano Sommavilla – “Watch Your Step”

Galliano Sommavilla – “Watch Your Step” – Single Review

There we go, that’s the Galliano I’m looking for.

One of the latest releases from the maestro himself, Galliano’s latest single “Watch Your Step” is a truly mesmerizing & hypnotic gem.  Not to go on about the differences & comparisons to be made between songs & all, but if you read my review on his song “The Caper” from yesterday, then you know I enjoyed myself, but felt like there was still a little something missing from making it as memorable as Sommavilla’s music tends to be.  Almost in direct response to that, here we are, with what I’d consider to be right up there with the best of his tunes in “Watch Your Step” – the sound selection is fantastic on this single and continually provides us with a mellow array of genuinely interesting stuff to listen to.  For real, that’s what this cut really boils down to when you examine it at its core – yes what you’ll hear definitely has tangible hooks without question that’ll easily pull you in to listen, but it’s really the outstanding uniqueness in the choices Galliano’s made in terms of what sounds to use & when that make the total difference here.  It’s as effective as it gets…Sommavilla’s played this latest cut perfectly.

All that being said, and diving right back into where I left off yesterday just like I promised ya I wouldn’t only moments ago here, “The Caper” was a great tune; “Watch Your Step” just happens to be a better one.  I’m kidding, I’m kidding…kind of…maybe not really…what I mean to say is, it’s the kind of Galliano Sommavilla music that resonates with me personally.  Would I expect that just about half of you would prefer “The Caper” to this one?  Yup.  Maybe even more in fact if I’m being honest – there’s ultimately more pep in the step of “The Caper” by comparison, and therefore, usually something that the masses out there will dig on with more readied acceptance.  I ain’t knockin’ it, if that’s your jam then right on, have at it hoss, I salute your choice and respect it just as much.  For myself, listening to a song like “Watch Your Step” is absolutely on the same level as listening to the most compelling story you can think of being told aloud…you get right into every chapter of sound here as its revealed to you; and while it may be a subtle & slow-moving tune, you’ll likely find you’re right on the edge of your seat listening.  It’s either that or you’ll slip into the fifth dimension from the meditative sound reaching the center of your mind’s eye – I mean, it really could be either scenario!  All bizarre descriptions aside, you can see the fundamentals of what I’m communicating to ya – “Watch Your Step” reaches into the beyond for its inspired sound, brilliantly uses patterns & melodies to create its hypnotic effect on ya, and in the happiest of trances, we listen, captivated by choice.  Every time I put on Sommavilla’s latest single it was a something I didn’t just want to listen to once, but multiple times, and all in a row.  Like, if we’re being real here, he’s got an instrumental that would nearly fit right into the lineup of Portishead’s Dummy…and for those in the know, nuff said; that’s the most hallowed of hallowed ground out there for a great many people when it comes to the overall quality of sound, texture, vibes and atmosphere.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the subtle groove around the 2:15 spot – you’ll know exactly what I mean.

I also really liked how, just heading into the 1:50 spot, you feel an uplifting thread of hope creep into the melody of what’s been a significantly mysterious & curious vibe pretty much all the time otherwise…but for a moment there, it’s like the dark curtain cracks and the light invades the soul of this song, however brief it might be.  I ain’t gonna lie to ya either, it’s generally the incredible hypnotic effect of the rest of the song around it that tends to reveal my favorite stuff in the mix & sound selection, but at the same time, every spin through this record would reach that 1:50-ish point in the song and you’d really feel that moment shift the song brilliantly in a new direction that you’re certain to appreciate.  As Galliano heads back into the thick of the mysterious music he’s created, with added guitars chiming in stunningly, bending tones to his will, with what sounds like just the slightest hint of a saxophone every so often, and synth strings sitting low in behind with the bass-line grooves, “Watch Your Step” slides right back into the aura of its awesome & sensory, Portishead-esque vibes.  Somebody call Beth Gibbons up will ya?  She needs to be a featured guest on a remix of this cut later on down the road.  Don’t get me wrong, this single is every bit as perfect as a moment in time could ever be as it stands right now – but the counterpoint is simply that there’s never been a situation where Gibbons hasn’t made something even better than it already was, no matter how great it might have been already.  Anyhow!  You get the idea…I’m absolutely stoked to have Galliano back in action in 2021 & I’m loving what I hear on “Watch Your Step.”  I could easily & happily stay lost in this song for days & days – this is what memorable music is all about.

Find out more about Galliano Sommavilla at his official homepage at:

Listen to the SBS Podcast featuring Galliano’s music at:

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