The 99 – “Rough Times In America,” “We Ain’t Buyin,’” “Do You Wanna Go” – Singles Review I can’t say quite enough…how enlightening and how exceptional my entire day has been. It’s been a long time since the ONLY activity I did in a day was simply sit and listen…I’m always doing too many things […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
itsDICE – “Changing” – Single Review Alright…you can call me out on this one if you wanna…but I’m supporting this track. Rapper itsDICE has just released his brand new single/video for the single “Changing,” and while I’ve been concentrating on rap with some severe social commentary today, it’s cool to kick back and enjoy a […]Read More
Jared Wesley – “Plessy V. Ferguson (20??)” – Single Review This is important. Do you like music that’s important? You might not even know, you might never have heard anything through music that packs a politically aware and pointed view like this does. I personally think that this is the biggest and most obvious hole […]Read More
Huge fan of this sound; let me say that right off the bat. I’m not totally sure what I thought I was in for here…the name…Xavier Toscano…I suppose it threw me off just slightly. Not much, just a bit. To me – that sounds like a name born for the dance-music world, but what I […]Read More
Kenny Fame – Fame Whore – Album Review Interesting…I can sense ‘the machine’ at work somewhere here… Kenny Fame seems like a good guy. Most of the songs you’ll find on Fame Whore seem to come through in such a way that it points to the sincerity of a real person. You take all the […]Read More
Dylan McGuire – Gravity (Or Lack Thereof) – Album Review Within the first five seconds of hearing Dylan McGuire…I was worried. It’s tough to NOT sound like our heroes & influences sometimes…but if you’re going to sound like something we’re all intensely familiar with, or can quickly associate a certain sound to…well…Dylan…all I’m saying is […]Read More
Christian Farrar – Kaizen – Mixtape Review If there’s one thing I can understand from a handful of listens to Christian Farrar’s new mixtape Kaizen…it’s that this guy definitely understands the power of the mixtape genre. While most ‘mixtapes’ often play out like an emcee roaming for a home, Farrar is playing this out much […]Read More
Life In A Tree – For All You Listeners Out There – Album Review Today’s band in review, Life In A Tree is extremely interesting to me for a ton of reasons I can’t wait to talk about today. First off…if you pop open their social media pages, you’ll find that there’s an incredibly young […]Read More
Dr Wippit – For Everyone – EP Review Sometimes a song just has to get out. Socially-conscious songs aren’t the newest concept to music; however, they’re completely underground for the most part…the more successful you get in our modern day, more often you’ll see those opinions suppressed and morals compromised. The freedom of the independent […]Read More
Seany Juevos & Tommy T. Tom – The Juevos & T. Tom Demo – Album Review I’ve never been one to be afraid to listen to a demo recording. At live-shows, I pride myself on being able to hear the essence of a band despite whatever hack soundman is doing to thwart my efforts. The […]Read More