Jacob Bryant – Jacob Bryant – EP Review You ever have one of those moments where your toes hit the floor in the morning and you just KNOW you’re about to head down to your music studio to listen to something so far outside of your normal taste that those very feet attached to those […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Transference – The Navigators – Album Review What an absolutely refreshing listen. From Melbourne, Australia’s own masters-of-atmosphere – Transference have created an absolute unstoppable force in textural-music here on their new album The Navigators. Emotions, tempos, styles and sounds range from one extreme to the other as this sharply-skilled band flexes their most innovative & […]Read More
Worldwide Groove Corporation – Presents ‘Year Of The Groove’ – Singles Review Sublime isn’t it? I’m certainly referring to more than simply the opening line from both the iconic 90’s alt/ska band Sublime’s hit “Summertime” which also opens this new experience into the Worldwide Groove Corporation; no…I’m referring more to the entire journey into their […]Read More
M.C. Pollock – “Tell Your Boss” – Single Review Good luck singing this one in the shower dear readers. Unless you’ve got yourself a great stash of helium balloons nearby, chances are you’re going to find yourself sounding on the low-end of life in comparisons to the heights that M.C. Pollock can reach through his […]Read More
Kristin Chambers – Everything Woman – Album Review Everything Woman you say… Am I technically able to review this? I hope I’m not disqualified…I’ve decided to risk it anyway…I’m going to get out some nice candles and just sit here to review this from the sensitive feminine-side of myself. Figure as long as no burly […]Read More
The Most Beautiful Losers – When Morning Comes Twice A Day Or Not At All – Album Review Listening through this new album from The Most Beautiful Losers gives me a new appreciation for what makes for great, memorable lyricism. Melody is important for sure…and even though these guys pack a punk-rock/pop punch and HAVE […]Read More
Daxton Monaghan – “Highway One” – Single Review Yuck! You mean to tell me that good ol’ Australian singer/song-writer Daxton Monaghan has been rocking in some way, shape or form since the early 1990’s yet there’s no official Facebook page? Right now there’s one of those fan-posted fact-boards where you kind of have to cross […]Read More
Athmoss – “Father” – Single Review I’m pretty much hopping on one foot with excitement; do you realize that Athmoss is coming to our pages genuinely from the infamous Transylvania in Romania? I mean…he’s sending this from Frankfurt, Germany where he’s been living with his wife and daughters since 2013…but originally….ORIGINALLY, he’s come from Transylvania. […]Read More
Kally O’Mally – The Wild West Medicine Show – Album Review Damn Bandcamp. That setting that allows you to push a song harder than the rest of the album always gets me starting my listening experience in a weird spot when I’m not paying attention. As the opening tones of the title-track “The Wild West […]Read More
Japa Dollar – “100%” – Single Review It would be pretty hard to be in a bad mood listening to a song from Japa Dollar. You’ll be even harder-pressed to find a video from him that won’t make you smile. We were recently checking out the new video from JD for the new single “100%” […]Read More