BROCK – “RUN” – Music Video Post
It has been said many times, by folks with far greater wisdom than myself, that if you really want to grab them clicks & views out there online, then simply adding a cute cat into your video will do the trick every time. Personally, while I think that’s pretty much been proven by the numbers out there far & wide across the internet without question, by that kind of logic, adding a bunch of “BADASS” DOGS in a music video should be one of the BEST things we’ll ever be fortunate enough to witness in the online realm, don’t you think? BROCK is here to put that to the test for us today, giving us a short & sweet new single called “RUN,” with an army of doggos on screen to get your attention. I can tell ya it certainly got mine – I LOVE this!
Do you NEED to be a dog-lover to enjoy “RUN?” Probably not, but it certainly ain’t gonna hurt! Who can honestly resist this four-legged crew of smiling faces? “RUN” is the kind of audio/video experience that’s just gonna make you HAPPY…let’s not over-complicate things this time around eh? Life is so full of copious amounts of BS that taking a moment to keep things simple, smile along with our most faithful companions, and turn up some tunes is not only recommended – it’s fucking NECESSARY y’all. You might not have known this fact until right now in this very moment we’re in, but you NEED this video for “RUN” in your life. BROCK has already proven to be a hero in just about a million & a half ways since we first started listening way back when, but he’s reaching ALL-STAR status with this latest music & videos this year. Flashy cars & cool effects & all that good stuff is super awesome…don’t get me wrong – but sometimes, just sometimes, we need to dial back all that technological stuff, and simply enjoy the good life for what it is. I mean…for real – I’d trade in EVERYTHING that I do to be ANY one of these fantastic furry friends in BROCK’s new video, at ANY time – you name the time & place and I’ll be there to make the switch. You telling me you wouldn’t? No more bills, no more drama, no more worrying about the 9-5 – just chasing calls, getting treats, and going for a wild “RUN” in the park before getting your belly rubbed all day long? SIGN ME UP! “Holla at your boy!” BROCK is on a serious HOT STREAK this summer & what he’s created to support “RUN” onscreen is guaranteed to keep the FUN comin’ atcha from sight to sound y’all. This dude’s had a DOG as part of his official logo for as long as I’ve been listening to him – it’s good to see the man’s best friend gets their respect & a whole lot of love in the new video for BROCK’s “RUN” after all this time! Kick back, grab a cold one, and turn on up for this – you humans deserve a treat today too!
Listen to more music by BROCK and see more videos at his YouTube channel right here:
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