Unified Giants – Rise

Unified Giants – Rise – Album Review Heads up rap & hip-hop fans – this one’s for you! In review today we have the new album from a crew from the USA; Unified Giants are on my playlist this morning with their new album – Rise. When you check into this crew, it mentions right on their […]Read More

Leadsucker – Burn

Leadsucker – Burn – Album Review I have to admit – it’s not every day that I’ll find an album with THIRTY songs on it that spans a total length less than any of the TEN-song Weezer albums out there, but that’s exactly what you’re in for here today in this review of the new […]Read More

Gandalf’s Fist – A Day In The Life Of A

Gandalf’s Fist – A Day In The Life Of A Universal Wanderer – Album Review I had mentioned to this band straight away that I love the name of the band, and I do, for several reasons. Obviously when I think about “Gandalf” the only one I can immediately think of or draw to is the […]Read More

Ivan Mihaljevic & Side Effects – Counterclockwise

Ivan Mihaljevic & Side Effects – Counterclockwise – Album Review Ooooooooooooooh boy…..we’ve got a melting pot on our hands here! I was only two songs in when I realized that Ivan Mihaljevic and his band Side Effects were going to attempt to cross the entire landscape of musical history in one album. Pushing play on any […]Read More

Connor O’Brien – Prizefighter

Connor O’Brien – Prizefighter – Album Review Connor, Connor, Connor…where do I start? You’ve thrown an absolute curveball into what has so far been a fantastic ride through genres I gravitate towards normally…describing yourself as pop-rock, my friend – you’re in my toughest and most critical category! I always feel like I’m a little tougher on both […]Read More

Pavement – Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain

Pavement – Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain – Album Review One of the last moments I ever had with the cassette tape format happened just prior to me buying this in my first purchase of CD’s, 4 in total on my first buy totaling roughly $85-90 at the time. Little did I know heading from the land […]Read More

Maxwell Demon – Aurora

Maxwell Demon – Aurora – Album Review Hazy! That’s where I’m starting with this album in today’s review. In truth, I’ve been awake for an extremely long time again…to the point where I’ve stopped keeping track of just how long it has been…I’m floating along…existing…breathing like I’m counting it as a victory…could this album by Maxwell […]Read More

Bennie King – Evolution

Bennie King – Evolution – Album Review I’ve mentioned in past reviews on mix-tapes from D-Bo and Drazah Backwards that the mastery of a solid mix-tape really comes down to sample selection and the ability to string it all together. The skill it takes to put the sounds and samples together consistently so that they line […]Read More

Skyed Pillars – Cloud Opus

Skyed Pillars – Cloud Opus – Album Review THIS. This is my genre. Hello and WELCOME to my new friend Christian P. Bassett – all the way from Munich, Germany – the mastermind behind the songs of Skyed Pillars and the new album Cloud Opus. Where have YOU been? Oh sleepingbagstudios…how I have waited for this day when you […]Read More

John Keenan – Imagination To The Nation

John Keenan – Imagination To The Nation – Album Review Ok! John said himself in a message to me that he’d “rather be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie” – so let’s get to the slappin’ shall we? No one really wants to kiss this overgrown beard-garden I call a face anyway. Seriously – I […]Read More