Mr Streetz – Echos In My Mind

Mr Streetz – Echos In My Mind – Album Review At first glance, I was like, don’t Canadian and UK spellings have more in common than not?  Isn’t it supposed to be ‘echoes’ instead of Echos In My Mind?  So then I looked it up online, to see what the deal was.  Apparently “Echos is […]Read More

Margarita Mantis – Jejune

Margarita Mantis – Jejune – Album Review “For this album I experimented with spatial audio. Spatial audio, otherwise known as binaural panning and surround sound, is an audio mixing technique that creates a 3D sound sensation, an illusion that the instruments are moving around you in a 3D-like mode.”  Okie doke.  There you have it, […]Read More

HuffDaddy – Lost In The Fathom

HuffDaddy – Lost In The Fathom – Album Review + Bonus Single  Alrighty…sounds like we’ve got a very promising brand-new artist on the scene in review here today. While there are definitely multiple opportunities for HuffDaddy to grow & evolve in what he’s creating, I feel quite confident in declaring that he’s got everything it […]Read More

Giant Silent World – Giant Silent World

Giant Silent World – Giant Silent World – Album Review The dynamic duo of Pete Gustard and Christopher Smith returns – in full album form! I know they’ve been looking forward to getting this album out there, and the day has finally arrived.  Nearly two years since the release of their debut EP, Giant, their […]Read More

Jesse James Allen – In The Company Of Machines

Jesse James Allen – In The Company Of Machines – Album Review If there’s one title for an album that you’ll find perfectly sums up what a record is really all about this year, it’s likely to be this one.  What ARE all these wonderful machines and things and three-letter words that symbolize programs and […]Read More

bleed moxie – women’s society

bleed moxie – women’s society – Album Review Mitchel Paulson.  Moxie.  The Mox & J. Project.  MJ FLAWS.  bleed moxie. ALL-CAPS.  lowercase letters.  Abbreviations.  Aliases.  Real name.  Nicknames. Sigh.  There ain’t enough coffee in the world folks.  *siiiiiiiiiiiiiip For real…sometimes I sit back and wonder what everything else in the world would be like if […]Read More

Garage T. Rashington III – Thick Slop

Garage T. Rashington III – Thick Slop – Album Review I always try to think of a unique way to review the music of Garage T. Rashington III, because…well – let’s be real here, he’s one of the most unique artists you can find in any corner of this music scene we share.  I thought […]Read More

Reegonetti Band – Songs From The Raven’s Nest

Reegonetti Band – Songs From The Raven’s Nest – Album Review You know how they old saying goes…four decades to make your first album, less than three years to make your second.  It’s something like that.  People say something similar to that.  I think.  Maybe? Ohhhh right, it’s ‘a lifetime to make your first record, […]Read More

Right Click – Right Click

Right Click – Right Click – Album Review Alrighty y’all…we’ve finally got our site all updated and running smoothly again, so let’s get some more of my opinions out there onto the internet!  That’s what you’ve all been so patiently waiting for, right? …crickets…tumbleweeds… Well…whatever.  I’m happy to be back doin’ what I do even […]Read More

Winchester 7 & The Runners – The Waking Giant

Winchester 7 & The Runners – The Waking Giant – Album Review Feels like it’s been a while since we last had Winchester 7 & The Runners on these pages of ours! Always good to have’em back though.  It’s comforting to know good people are still out there doing good things, even if it’s all […]Read More