March Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

 March Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

There was music, we featured it, chances are ya didn’t listen, but hey, it’s always sweet to have a reason to repeat ourselves.

The SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles channel is now closing in on DOUBLE DIGITS for subscribers inside of three long months!

Absolutely incredible.  Definitions may vary.

Anyhow…to all eight of you – know you have our undying love!

For the other 2990890890812333 people on this planet, how do you even live?

Feel free to check out what we posted up individually each day & replay your favorites by clicking below!

Mar. 01 – West My Friend

Mar. 02 – The Brilliance

Mar. 03 – Sam And The Black Seas

Mar. 04 – Robyn Cage

Mar. 05 – Madison Park + Beechkraft

Mar. 06 – Jack Of None

Mar. 07 – Giant The Artist

Mar. 08 – Chames

Mar. 09 – Blue Soul Ten

Mar. 10 – Will Dee

Mar. 11 – Sienná

Mar. 12 – Astral Darkness

Mar. 13 – Evoletah

Mar. 14 – Fü Kon Riots

Mar. 15 – In The Whale

Mar. 16 – Room 1985

Mar. 17 – Thelonesomekid

Mar. 18 – Aztec

Mar. 19 – Marcelo Camela

Mar. 20 – The Music Therapy Experiment

Mar. 21 – The Most Beautiful Losers

Mar. 22 – She Likes Todd

Mar. 23 – Ception Of Ty

Mar. 24 – EMPRA

Mar. 25 – Jonas Martin

Mar. 26 – MPG

Mar. 27 – Plike

Mar. 28 – The Quality Of Mercury

Mar. 29 – Vince LuPone

Mar. 30 – We Steal Flyers

Mar. 31 – Amilia K Spicer


"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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