Fox And Mew – In Cahoots – EP Review Now here’s something I don’t hear every day! And any time that’s the case…you know I’m all ears. Welcome to this fresh little EP from Fox And Mew called In Cahoots, with a musical sound based on some truly old-school funk infused with a modern-day R&B twist […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Lifestyle Learning Music – Volume #2 Geometry – Album Review Music is one of our most powerful creations and learning tools. I’ve been lucky all my life in my ability to relate to people; being sympathetic or empathetic to a person’s situation has always been something that has come naturally to me, even from what […]Read More
Dirti Speshuls – Long Time Coming – Album Review Quite often I can find myself trying to figure out how other people might listen to music…like as in, what quantities, what doses, how often do they change bands or song to song… What I’ve gathered in all my time spent listening to music through my entire […]Read More
Gaz Patterson – Dodging Bullets – Album Review There are a couple of very interesting methods you can use to listen to the new album from Gaz Petterson of the UK. You could listen to it for the energy in these tightly-written pop/rock tunes…in fact, if you put it on and press play you’ll find it […]Read More
Chartt – Chartt – Mixtape Review “You know my name but you don’t know my story at all. I write my life into my music, just listen.” That’s a haunting quote lifted directly from the social media pages of Chartt, our mixtape-specialist in review here today. From everything I’ve heard on this self-titled effort – that’s a […]Read More
Noobeats – Catharsis – EP Review You might just find yourself in need of somethin’ to get your rump bumpin’ tonight – so let’s unleash this meaty & beat-y EP called Catharsis by electronic producer Noobeats from Berlin, Germany. Bringing six brand-new tracks to us through this latest effort; you’ll find them packed full of energy, […]Read More
Catalina Shortwave – Repeater – Album Review You know for a second there…I was sure I heard a guitar solo…but…this is a NEW album from Catalina Shortwave isn’t it? Instrumentation isn’t found on present-day records anymore is it? Surely I must have been hearing something else in the background…no…wait…there it is again! And again…and again! That’s certainly always […]Read More
Sam Gibson – Plastic Universe – Album Review Right off the bat – that’s an album title that resonates with me strongly. With so many ideas recycled daily…almost like we’ve planned our own obsolescence…it can be tough to sometimes navigate through our valleys of malls and believe we’ve created anything significant here on planet Earth. And if […]Read More
Cosmic Charley – Cosmic Charley – EP Review Despite being located in British Columbia, Canada…it feels like it’s been forever since I reviewed some good ol’ Canadian rock – so I’ve gone and got myself hooked on this band from Lethbridge, Alberta called Cosmic Charley to help fill this literary void. After intense spins through this […]Read More