Wo Fat – The Conjuring – Album Review Just because it’s only five songs long doesn’t mean it’s not an album…trust me! These five tracks are just ridiculously meaty; heavy in all the right ways without a single ounce of overkill. All throughout this album, this psychedelic-rocking three-piece kept reminding me of what the perfect blend of […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Gentry Fox – Rare Demo Shit Volume One – Album Review When you come across an album name like this one from Gentry Fox, Rare Demo Shit Volume One, well – you never really know what you’re in store for as a reviewer. It could be a cold, hard stroll through the B-sides of a contractual […]Read More
Zane Brune – Dark Night Light Terror – Album Review I would be absolutely lying to you all, or at least wouldn’t be honest with you if I didn’t mention straight away that I literally live and breathe for albums this artistic, this pure, this daring. While I can always find an appreciation for SOMETHING in […]Read More
Lucid Dream – Lucid Dream Rocks Again – Album Review Now here’s something interesting to listen to! In many ways…I’m not quite sure just how to relay the experience of listening to Lucid Dream, which, for a guy that reviews music daily…it’s nearly an eerie feeling! What I can tell you, is that after listening to Lucid […]Read More
There’s a large chance you might be able to listen to the entire new album, Songs In The Key Of Awesome in the same amount of time it will take you to read this review. The Giggitys are packing a sonic punk-punch in their music and keeping it true to the authentic style that bore the breakthroughs […]Read More
The Shivers – Charades – Album Review Sometimes when I find myself listening to a particularly innovative new band, I wonder about just how much untapped creativity is still out there, waiting for us all to discover. Musically, we ALL know someone in the ‘it’s all been done’ camp…those that believe nothing new or exciting […]Read More
Mudpusher – Sacrilege – EP Review You literally have no idea how happy and relieved I am right now. Seriously – I got out of bed this morning feeling like I was trapped under bags & bags of sand without any hope of ever finding myself awake until it would be time for bed. I clambered down […]Read More
I’ve had conversations with fellow friends and peers about similar music to what’s happening here on the Jour Majesty EP throughout the past of my experience. It’s this kind of soft, well-played, melodic & acoustically driven music that I’ve maintained to all of these people from day one – you would have to be an […]Read More
Yesterdays Promise – YP – EP Review Chances are…there will be a LOT of things that stand out to you when listening to Yesterdays Promise; if this ISN’T the case for you…double-check your ears as I believe you’ve left several Q-Tips lodged in there. Admittedly, we all like what we like and love what we love […]Read More
Morning Fame – “Dreamality” – Single Review With a misty & whispering opening, the new single from Canada’s own East-coast pop/rock sensation starts out subdued as it takes you through the fog. There’s a hint of epic-ness, just around the corner…it’s something you can FEEL; those opening moments provide a real chill of premonition. Morning Fame for […]Read More