The Drama Dolls – Requiem – Album Review Big credit to Mike Cambridge at the helm of the controls for The Drama Dolls…let me tell ya why. I see a ton of bands in the independent scene going for EP’s over albums these days in effort to keep the music-flowing at a better rate; and […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
A Truth Called Nothing – Sluggerhand – Album Review Put it to you this way…whether or not it’s an album-title, a band-name, those first opening-notes of a record, a little background info…the combination of these things somehow lead to a much tougher-time finding true surprise in music. It takes a rare breed of musician to […]Read More
Germaine D’Rosario – Soundcloud Singles Reviewed Considering that just yesterday I jumped into a genre that wouldn’t have normally ended up on my playlist…I felt like continuing that streak today with another genre I’ve barely scratched the surface of – the world of Opera-music. In a lot of ways, I’ve got fairly extensive experience with […]Read More
Curtis Lee Putman – “#TallInTheSaddle (When I Ride)” – Single Review Alright…well…here we are in Country-Music land…which for the most part, you know I don’t fit-in here. I can’t fool you readers out there – nor would I even begin to try; Country-music is well-outside of my genres of choice and that’s no secret. But […]Read More
Styop Quoons – Machine Gun Bacon – EP Review I’ll tell you this much…you don’t get a name/title like this outside of the electro-genre…ya just don’t. It’s also fair to assume, that out of all the different styles & types of electro out there…that a name/title combination like this is also going to be quite […]Read More
Day Hacker – Zero One – EP Review Coming to us from right next door…or, at least pretty close by in the same city we’re now based in, know & love – Day Hacker is a five piece band from Ottawa, Ontario that are electronically thumpin’ it up and raising a ruckus with their programs […]Read More
Erik Odsell – Searching For Lost Boys Island – Album Review It’s always interesting to see what other people hear in their music. If there’s a gap in the independent music-scene, as far as I’m concerned, it’s quite often the disconnect between the songs we write and we truly love…and the songs that truly connect […]Read More
The Feedbackers – “Become The Day”/”Heart In Pieces” – Singles Review I would think it’s a good climate out there in music right now for the tunes of Montreal’s rock-band The Feedbackers…with what I was hearing in the first single I examined called “Become The Day” and the instant comparison you can make to the […]Read More
Hooyoosay – “Palm Tree In My Garden” – Single Review Okay…this time someone is really setting me up right? Is this real? Am I being Punk’d? Let me explain… Hooyoosay…at least I figured at first, was writing about my own Aunt somehow! Don’t get me wrong…I know how hard she’s worked in her life to […]Read More
Bredd – An End For All – EP Review Gotta say…there are some very pleasant surprises here on the new EP from Bredd, based out of Italy. A lot of those fantastic moments come from the writing & the atmospheres in the music of his An End For All EP – but definitely just as […]Read More