This guy!
Every time I turn my head, BROCK seems to have popped up with a new single/video as of late – and you better believe I’m more than willing to keep on listening whenever I find something drop online by this Electro innovator. If you’ve been paying attention to our pages over this past month or so, you’ve seen a whole catalog of his cuts flood onto our pages as BROCK shakes up the internet & airwaves this year – the hype is 100% fully justified – this dude has been creating some seriously extraordinary tunes! From the moment we first listened to his cut “BEEP,” to our most recent foray into BROCK’s stylistic videos & music with the release of “DAMARO” last month – it truly seems like this artist can’t help but pump out relentlessly addictive material that is absolutely worth ALL our attention. Case in-point, somehow…some way…BROCK has exceeded all expectations and blown open the doors of possibility for his future wider than ever by expanding his sounding into more radiantly melodic terrain – “DISKER” has gotta be the most universally accessible and all-out awesome single I’ve heard the man release to-date. And I know, I know…I get it, I get it…each time he shows up I say something similar, right? Well – WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? This guy has absolutely been BROCKING OUR WORLD in 2020, and “DISKER” is so insanely catchy, clever, and flawlessly executed that you’ll wanna physically hook this whole song straight into your veins. In lieu of the rig required to make that happen, let it rule your brainwaves through the award-worthy hooks that BROCK has discovered here – this is my favorite cut from this guy, full-stop…I don’t care how many times I’ve said it already in the past or how many times I’ll say it in the future either – the latest BROCK always seems to be the best BROCK…and if “DISKER” ain’t proof of that, I don’t know what else could possibly be.
Find more music by BROCK at Apple Music here:
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