"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

We Steal Flyers – Applecart

We Steal Flyers – Applecart – Album Review Could I BE any more PROUD of the fact that we’re listening to We Steal Flyers once again?  NOT A CHANCE! There are but a few bands & artists out there that have truly helped shape and define a lot of what I do here at sleepingbagstudios […]Read More

Sam And The Black Seas – Soundcloud Singles

Sam And The Black Seas – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review You definitely get that chill down the ol’ spine listening to Sam And The Black Seas…you can hear the specialness of what you’ll hear in these new singles quite quickly and quite easy.  The three singles on their Soundcloud page have a collectively-inviting sound […]Read More

Amarelle – “Never There”

Amarelle – “Never There” – Single Review If you were to only judge Amarelle from the brutal, cutting sounds of their new-single “Never There” – you’d think there wasn’t a friendly bone in any of the bodies that make up this dynamic three-piece.  The New York-based band has just released a full-album of demo-songs – […]Read More

Mario Marco Farinato – Soundcloud Singles

Mario Marco Farinato – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review You know…I’m not sure how many people really get how contagious attitude can be when creating and sharing music with another person when you made it yourself.  We’ve all heard new music…we’ve all heard that song that makes us want to push the boundaries of life […]Read More

0102 – Kat Hamill

This lady is a shy one…but equal-parts fantastic. We actually met Kat Hamill for the first time in the first days of opening via messages over e-mail…in the haste of getting everything organized, things were eventually scheduled, moved, missed, rescheduled and eventually thought lost for all time…but thankfully that didn’t stay the case.  I caught […]Read More

The Only’s – Soundcloud Singles

The Only’s – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review For some reason…if I was somehow able to verbalize in music-form what I’d assume the atmosphere of a certain area sounds like by name, I have a feeling that The Only’s would represent what I’d think Toledo might sound like, were I to make a guess.  It […]Read More

Mike Lepond – Mike Lepond’s Silent Assassins

Mike Lepond – Mike Lepond’s Silent Assassins – Album Review I suppose you have to give a guy some credit when they’ve been a part of what has helped shape the metal-genre over time…or, in this case, several people.  I had to rub my eyes a little in disbelief over some of the credits that […]Read More

The State School – SloFastSlo

The State School – SloFastSlo – Album Review It’s often been said that music is quite dependent on timing…would reviews follow that same rule I wonder?  The other day, I checked into two albums that were coming out in the mainstream before I had a listen to The State School for the first time…a fact […]Read More

SBS Live This Week 048

Absolutely rad time with Pete, Ryan, Rick, Dave and Corey of Whiskey Kings and I’m proud to present these guys to you all today on SBS Live This Week.  This band from Vancouver exceeded all expectations in an awesome interview and performance – we got about ten or eleven tunes from WK all in all […]Read More

JackPotLuck – JPL

JackPotLuck – JPL – Album Review This dude seems to be pretty cool.  If you’ve already seen the latest episode of SBS Live This Week (#048) then you’ve already heard some of the thoughts on the new self-titled record from one-man band JackPotLuck, which is a project helmed by Gary Bonanni.  If not…check that out […]Read More