Corey Zaccari – “Space Cadet” – Single Review I can definitely get behind this. Corey Zaccari has got himself one seriously groovy track here…”Space Cadet” is a blend of all-things-good between pop-to-indie-to-rock. At first it sounded a little lo-fi through the internet pages I could find this track on…so take it from me, download this […]Read More
Leeroy Jelks – Singles Reviewed Credit to this guy. First correspondence I had with young Leeroy Jelks impressed me…he’s only eighteen years-old but already has the foresight to know that jumping into the rap-game as just another pawn or player won’t do – he’s on a path and mission to define his own style & […]Read More
JLuv – “Baby By Me” – Single Review I have it on pretty good authority that JLuv is surrounded by a whole team of people that really believe in his exceptional talent and expect this solo-artist to find his way to the big-time. I can dig all the reasons why that would be after reviewing […]Read More
JT Cotton – Back To Making Love – EP Review JT Cotton – part R&B/Soul solo-artist, part professional-moisturizer for the ladies out there. With an EP full of tunes looking to get panties droppin’ worldwide, he’s written a series of love-songs that showcase a solid grip on writing and flow. As he weaves his vocals […]Read More
Azucar Acida – “El Blah Blah Blah Oficial” – Single Review Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Just in case anyone was wondering what I sound like when I find out the music I’m about to review comes from halfway across the planet from us, that’s what it sounds like! I’m always excited for an opportunity like this! Panamanian five-piece […]Read More
Another incredible episode filled with music that has true PERSPECTIVE out there in the independent-scene! We’ll talk about that, take a moment or two to figure out when to get political, and of course feature all kinds of incredible music from far & wide! We’ll go even further to prove that in this episode as […]Read More
Race Against Fate – “A Perfect Canadian” – Single Review Hmm! I gotta admit…having listened to everything that’s been made available from Morning Fame’s Vik Kapur’s solo side-project Race Against Fate and his aforementioned full-band as well, this new single threw me for a bit of a loop! I usually feel like I ‘get’ what’s […]Read More
Suits Boulevard – Oblivious Sampler – Singles Review Alternative-rock band Suits Boulevard has been making waves all throughout international waters with their latest album Oblivious. All the way from their base in central Denmark, this band of six created quite a buzz within their first year of declaring themselves a part of the music-scene. I […]Read More
Retrogress – “Penitent” – Single Review You know…sometimes I can’t help but catch a sentence or two of what someone else has written about an artist before listening to the music. I do my best to do the opposite…I’m a listen first, form my impression and then attack the social-media & learning about an artist […]Read More
FZY – “Whatever Waits Above” – Single Review From the upcoming record called Act 1: Exposition being released officially on July 16th – rapper/hip-hop/spoken-word artist FZY is floating the haunting & twisted stream of consciousness track called “Whatever Waits Above” ahead of the game to test the waters and see what the reaction is like. […]Read More