April 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

 April 2022 Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Here’s another month’s worth of incredible music that has been absolutely ignored by the vast majority of the planet – including YOU!

C’mon now…quit blushing.  You know how proud you are of your anti-music stance!  There’s so much time for music in any given day…but you…you chose specifically to watch that funny cat video on the internet for the tenth time instead now didn’t ya?  It’s okay, it’s alright – just own who you are and what you’re really all about, that’s all we’re saying.  WE are out here every day advocating on behalf of your music…something that even the artists/bands we feature don’t even do themselves – but you…you’ve got all kinds of excuses you can use from having to go to work, go for a run, working out in the gym, fixing your car or your hair – none of which could possibly be done WITH music on, even in the background, am I right?  I’ll be long dead before y’all get it…and it’s 100% on me to come to terms with that.  In the meantime, I continue to fight the (futile) good fight – here’s more music – enjoy.

Who did we add to our channel at the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles last month?  Great question!

Feel free to check out what we posted up individually each day & replay your favorites by clicking below.

Apr. 01 – MyKey

Apr. 02 – Nate Jacobucci

Apr. 03 – Ramonda Hammer

Apr. 04 – SirenBlue

Apr. 05 – skittish

Apr. 06 – Violet Night

Apr. 07 – Aminita Satori

Apr. 08 – Alien Skin

Apr. 09 – Blue Wave Theory

Apr. 10 – Closer

Apr. 11 – FZY

Apr. 12 – Gemstar

Apr. 13 – Gleodream

Apr. 14 – Jared Mancuso

Apr. 15 – Mad Lollypop

Apr. 16 – Max Million

Apr. 17 – Nieko Feat. Amadeus Indetzki

Apr. 18 – Plike

Apr. 19 – Rasmus Fynbo

Apr. 20 – Balls Deep In Your Stepmom

Apr. 21 – Sam And The Black Seas

Apr. 22 – School Friends

Apr. 23 – The Shikes

Apr. 24 – Undocument

Apr. 25 – Victory Fires

Apr. 26 – Xoxo Spencer

Apr. 27 – 2Four

Apr. 28 – Ain’t No Other Feat. Jonzie

Apr. 29 – Chef The Chef

Apr. 30 – Cirex



"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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