Trey Wonder – “Annie Bruiser”

 Trey Wonder – “Annie Bruiser”

No surprise to us here at SBS, alt-punkster Trey Wonder is back in action right at the beginning of the new year in 2020 with a brand-new single/video.  From the warped musical-mind that brought you cuts like “Out Of The Dark,” “Building Up,” and more recently “Happy With Me” released towards the end of 2019 – ideas, enthusiasm, momentum, and motivation have never been in short supply when it comes to what this dude brings to his music/career.  You’ll hear TW flex some of his best here on “Annie Bruiser” – not only do you get a solid dose of dank Underground/Alt-Rock-meets-Psych sound fueling the verses, but hearing the guitars spark-up with that sweet-sweet Indie/College/Punk spirit was fuckin’ fantastic.  Almost like a cross between something from the post-Grunge era like the hazy hooks of Dandelion’s second record Dyslexicon, meshed with like…jeez…like any of the true highlights from the Superchunk catalog where the guitars come out so damn addictive that you crave them fortnightly like the colonel’s bucket of KFC!  Y’all know what I mean…don’t tell me you don’t.  LISTEN to the magic happen as the song ticks past the thirty-five second mark and the guitar springs to life will ya?  Beyond exceptional, completely colorful, and entirely badass – Trey Wonder lights this track up with wicked instrumentation that contains a brilliantly fresh & lively energy in comparison to the doom & gloom of the atmosphere surrounding him on “Annie Bruiser” – and it’s because he uses that contrast so cleverly to his advantage, that when he transitions from part-to-part, he leaves an impact on ya one way, or the other – or both!  Ain’t no doubt that for myself personally, it was all about the guitar-solos on “Annie Bruiser” – I think that’s definitely some of the most engaging & vibrant musicianship on display that we’ve heard from the man so far, and a killer start to what’s sure to be another extremely busy & creative year in Trey Wonder’s world of music.  Check out his latest single “Annie Bruiser” below!

Find out more about Trey Wonder at the official pages below!

Official Website:


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