Omar Bowing – “Women”

Omar Bowing – “Women” – Single Review
If you just tuned into the most recent episode of the SBS Podcast, you’re here to find out a few more thoughts on Omar Bowing’s latest single “Women” – and if you didn’t check out the show already, first of all welcome, and secondly – do yourself a favor and get yourself some new tunes in ya – click here!
Hopefully by now if you are a regular reader of our pages or follower of our shows, you’re well familiar with the name Omar Bowing – we’ve reviewed a ton of his music over the years and featured him & his band several times in various ways. The man himself, is not only an intense mastermind of music and innovative instrumentation, but he’s always collaborating with confident players and musicians that have been able to assist in bringing the full scope of his ambitious & complex tunes to life. Omar’s always up to something…currently according to the notes I have scattered here, he’s squirreled away in the studio and working on all kinds of new things, taking a break from the stage for the moment, and seeking out different types of collaborations at all times. If you listen to his music throughout the years, you’ll hear those changes quite often, how a new addition to the mix via a new player or instrument will help shape the sound of a new song or direction for a while…and then like I said, Omar’s always up to something…and just when you think you might have him pinned down to what you think you can expect, he’ll change it all up on ya again and deliver your speakers something entirely fresh & new.
But I’m just saying…if you’re out there right now and looking for a killer musician to collaborate with…well…according to everything I’ve just written & you’ve just read – Omar’s door is always open!
I like how the man himself described the new single, which was released on international Women’s Day this year on March 8th, Omar writes that “this track is intended to be Rock and Roll flowers to all women in the world.” You gotta admire that. We’re late in getting to this of course, but being the progressive minded people that we are here at SBS, we also have no problems at all with celebrating women all year long – so today is as good as any to take a time out & tribute with the new Omar Bowing tune. The guy has truly gone all-out here like never before to create this song…he’s enlisted an impressive ten musicians from a real symphonic orchestra, who greatly assist in raising the power of the gripping emotion found within the melody & music to remarkable heights. Frequent collaborator & singer Tyson Yen is in the mix once again, leading the charge from the microphone with his bold vocals and raw power, while the music is a hard-hitting mellow in behind in. Really unique and exquisite composition overall really…it’s not like at this point that I’d assume anything other than that would come from Omar Bowing – I told ya, he’s always up to something – but I think he’s straddled the world of intensity & melody with remarkable results here. Adventurous track too! Not many songs out there in the world have a breakdown like you’ll find in this one, which goes into piano, flute, strings and more as the orchestra comes through to the surface in a part of the song’s most ambitious moments. You’ll get a similar taste of this around the 3:30 mark, with an incredible solo on top, as the hooks slowly climb back in for one absolutely killer finale in what’s been a true achievement in versatility. I mean, if you’re gonna tribute an entire gender like Omar Bowing and his crew full of ace talent collaborating with him are, you wanna do it right – you wanna go BIG – and that can be done both loud & quiet when you understand the dynamics of sound & composition like Omar does. That’s what leads to this incredible balance of musicians giving it their all, passionately playing to the best of their abilities, and the brilliant way they can transition from altogether cinematic sounds to such powerful ballad-rock surrounding them…it’s quite something to experience really. On paper, you might think Omar was a madman for attempting what “Women” demands and how much it shifts between the extremes of its most delicate melodies and grittiest parts of the Rock shining through. With the heartfelt & sincere lyricism, expressive vocals from Yen and certainly the insightful & innovative musicianship on this single, you’ll be more than surprised by just how well this all turns out with such an expansive range of ideas & sound.
Another job extremely well done by Omar Bowing and a tribute extremely well deserved – many thanks to all the amazing women out there that make our planet go around successfully each & every day.
Find out more about Omar Bowing’s music at the official links below!
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