June Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

 June Wrap-Up @ The Secret Stash

Well look at that will ya?  Nearly twenty whole subscribers!  In just six short months!

Who said it could be done, right?

Did we feature your music at the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles in June?  You don’t even know, do you?

We have endless faith in this project & know it won’t stay secret forever.

We also clearly like your music more than even you do!

For now, enjoy these videos without a million people hoggin’ your bandwidth.

Who did we add to our channel at the SBS Secret Stash Of Stellar Singles last month?  Great question!

Feel free to check out what we posted up individually each day & replay your favorites by clicking below.

June 01 – Gleodream

June 02 – Three Eyes

June 03 – Ced Wynez

June 04 – Ahmen Feat. Breana Marin

June 05 – Black Astronaut Feat. InZane

June 06 – Dino

June 07 – mentalEscape

June 08 – Ramonda Hammer

June 09 – Blackout Lights

June 10 – Dad Jokes

June 11 – Lovers Of Fiction

June 12 – Salmon Friends

June 13 – Victory Fires

June 14 – Yellow Paper Planes

June 15 – After Aura

June 16 – Swami Lushbeard

June 17 – The Future Exes

June 18 – The Hsu-nami

June 19 – Chasing Jonah

June 20 – Bad Reed

June 21 – Stone Poets

June 22 – The Two’s

June 23 – Tune Tank

June 24 – Troy Petty

June 25 – Birds Over Arkansas

June 26 – Azwel

June 27 – Bees In A Bottle

June 28 – Hanging From The Rafters

June 29 – B L O C K E D

June 30 – Aidan



"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

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