Mr. Kito – Where Are The Lizards? – EP Review So………in case anyone is wondering what catches my attention straight off the bat…all the ingredients are intensely on display in moment one of this new EP from Mr. Kito, Where Are The Lizards? Unique sounds and beats come immediately flying out of the first steps into […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Rob Williams – A Place In The Sun – Album Review How cool! Here’s a nifty little piece of info on our new friend Rob Williams about this new album A Place In The Sun: that spur-of-the-moment, sound of inspiration that just hit the room that makes these songs come alive was no accident. According to […]Read More
Queen City Heist – Music Review Queen City Heist…I gotta admit, everything from researching the band to listening to the actual music has been a grin-inducing pleasure… I pushed play on the new album from Queen City Heist and I opened up the social pages as I would normally do. The album starts with “Summer Time […]Read More
Age Of Man – Ebeneezer – EP Review Hey. Hey you….pssssst. Come here…. I want you to do something for me. I want you to reach into your pocket and take out a new crisp twenty dollar bill. Now…take a REAL good look at it to make sure it’s not fake… My point? My point is that some things […]Read More
West My Friend – When The Ink Dries – Album Review I’ve nearly had to dodge the internet in this past week altogether, preparing reviews for bands we’ve seen on our screens on SBS Live This Week…first Man Made Lake and here we have West My Friend. Both extremely talented…both great people…both from Vancouver Island…and…well…I mentioned […]Read More
HoneyTrash – Suit & Tie – EP Review I’ve always assumed it was a show that was televised everywhere…anyone out there remember The Friendly Giant? What a nice man he was. So tall though…you had to look way, way up to even see him! I can’t be the only one…you remember…just admit it so I can carry on […]Read More
Thomas Brunkard – A Never-Ending Album – Album Review Now here’s a concept I can fully get behind. Mr. Brunkard has left behind the original formats and conventional ideas on how to go about releasing his music, deciding upon embarking on a life-long musical adventure instead….A Never-Ending Album. To his credits at this stage of the […]Read More
Arsenal E’ Vega – Ashes To Snow – Album Review Well…you got me. I’ve searched my brain for a reference and come back with nothing – so we’ll have to officially call this the first mixtape OR album that I’ve ever heard begin with Dolby Sound. Welcome to the musical world of Arsenal E’ Vega…filled with […]Read More
Man Made Lake – Bodhicitta: The Shepherd – Album Review “I’ve been here…I’ve been here too long,” echoes singer Colin Craveiro of Man Made Lake on the opening track “Lemon Cake;” and though it’s somewhat unrelated I suppose…I’ve been here too long myself, enjoying this new album from MML without sharing it with you! For what […]Read More
Jackson Caged – Entity – Album Review Right on. It’s that GOOD kind of heavy. You might be surprised, my hard-rockin friends, but the reality is they DON’T come along too often. When you check into Jackson Caged, you’ll see they’ve got quite a following already going; and after hearing their new album, Entity…I completely understand why. […]Read More