Enoch – Nile Valley Music – EP Review The jazzy beat in Enoch’s opening tune “Let Freedom Ring” and the powerful sentiment of the words combined make for one heck of a beginning to this five-song set. With the rhymes set in a deep reverb sound, Enoch snaps together complex rhymes that are thought-provoking, intense […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Jai Musiq – Dolan Drive Dreams – Album Review As a guy that basically has whatever the musical-form of A.D.D. is…I got interested in this new record from Jai Musiq early on, right in the “Wake Up! (Intro)” before I even had a chance to hear him rap for the first time. He’ll get to […]Read More
Anthems Vs. Oceans – “I Won’t Let You” – Single Review No denying that the mind of the musician behind the music of Anthems Vs. Oceans graduated from the same school of emotional-thought/music inspired by Dashboard Confessional that still rings true through the influence on many a band, artist & project to come them. There’s […]Read More
THE – Too Human – EP Review How can you not just take a moment to marvel at the truly unsearchable band-name we’ve got here? I hope you’ve got yourself some direct-links my friends…cause other than knowing someone who knows a guy who knows another guy’s second-cousin that knows where to find the music of […]Read More
Frozen – “In That Zone” – Single Review If you were to ask me…I’d say Frozen is a man that knows what he wants and what he’s looking for out of his music & life. With a large-size electro-infused jam designed to be the anthem for twerkin’ heard round the world, he’s got himself a […]Read More
Mike Glendinning – “The Tenderloin”/”One Armed Waltz” – Singles Review I think Mike’s my kind of guy. While I might not say that either of these two-songs quite hit the mark of perfection…they’re quite infused with personality, heart and an audible genuine WANT to be a part of music overall. These two songs I’ve got […]Read More
Angie And The Deserters – “Country Radio” – Single Review Trying…to…resist… …it’s Country-music…but… …what am I supposed to do when a song is this much fun? Angie And The Deserters have not only put together a solid Country-music jam with their new single “Country Radio” but they’ve got an absolutely killer video to match it! […]Read More
Matthew Neves – “Cheers To Nothing” – Single Review I can be the bigger man and admit when I’ve underestimated an artist…and I think that assessment definitely applies to Matthew Neves. When I last reviewed him…to be fair, it sounded nothing like this at all…it was an amped-up party-song full of fist-pumping ROCK…but was that […]Read More
Pauline Frechette – “Song For Michael” – Single Review Wonderfully expressive piece of music from the combined talents in the arrangement of David Campbell and in the writing/performance from Pauline Frechette on her new-single “Song For Michael” – this is the kind of song that comes along that really helps me appreciate what I do […]Read More
Teejay – Love Lines – EP Review Alright…I’m in that situation again where I’m reviewing some tracks…potentially pre-release, not totally sure…I don’t have the official track-listing for the new Love Lines EP from Teejay – but you know that’s not about to stop me from telling you about the music I’m listening to. Especially not […]Read More