Toner – “Falling Short” (Demo) – Single Review Right on! Been a while since I’ve heard a demo-tune…I know that’s not always the most exciting thing for other people out there, but for me personally, I love it. Demo songs allow you to hear the real essence of the idea without all the added bells […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
åMBe – Enemy Of The People – EP Review What on earth is not to absolutely LOVE about this? My experience with åMBe’s new EP Enemy Of The People has been a seriously breathtaking one…the innovative approach of this artist is nothing short of stunning and the music is a beautiful mix of rhythm, melody […]Read More
Nic Nassuet – “How The Gods Kill” – Single Review A few of you out there will have heard the original version of this song by Danzig I’m sure…but I’m also certain you’ll have never heard his material from the perspective of a true artist like Nic Nassuet. Personally, I had to look this one […]Read More
Dennis Sy – “Shine On” Featuring Natalie Jean & Darick DDS Spears – Single Review It’d be hard not to appreciate the passionate power of enthusiasm in the pop-melody of “Shine On” – it certainly radiates an inspiring amount of positivity in its combination of message and music. Enlisting some excellent assistance to bring his […]Read More
Third Realm – Psychosis – Album Review Buffalo, New York’s dark-electro band is back in action with a brand-new album…Third Realm has just released Psychosis and it’s every bit the wild-ride you’d expect from this crew. Last time out when we reviewed their album Deranged in 2015 we had good things to say…and we made […]Read More
Meshach Abednego – “Everlasting Light” – Single Review There are very few artists out there right now that can bring a smile to my face like this guy does. We’ve covered much of Meshach’s music here on our pages in the past…and no matter the song, pass or fail, he’s always managed to really impress […]Read More
Digital Escort – “God Of Mine”/”Something In The Way” – Singles Review After reviewing another one of the latest singles from Digital Escort just hours ago…we’re still following this band down the rabbit-hole hours later and checking out a couple more singles that came our way. Two vibrant electro/industrial tunes that also take a gigantic […]Read More
Digital Escort – “Machine” – Single Review It would appear as if the mischief & mayhem of the music of Digital Escort has found its way to our pages once again…and that’s always a good thing as far as I’m concerned. Easily one of the most reliable bands out there right now for quality in […]Read More
The Ann Wilson Thing – EP#2 Focus – EP Review Sometimes I genuinely get to give my head a shake and realize I’m far luckier than most people I know in having a vocation I truly love…and those moments usually come along with discovering something in the independent-scene that I would have never expected to […]Read More
After Aura – In The Dark – Album Review Cool crew of people here in After Aura…one understanding group of individuals I’d assume! I’ve often pointed out just how theoretically impossible it would be for me to be in a band of more than one or two people…anything after that seems like it would just […]Read More