"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Betweenzone – “We Got No”

Betweenzone – “We Got No” – Single Review These guys! I tell ya…you won’t often find many musicians out there that put as much into their music and art as Betweenzone does…you have a listen to their tunes or see their videos & you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.  You can always SEE the […]Read More

Joho – Dirk Turquoise & The Grimy Pastels – Parliament

Joho – Dirk Turquoise & The Grimy Pastels – Parliament Of Fools – Album Review Apparently…hmm…apparently Joho wasn’t quite satisfied with what he’s accomplished in the past already, he’s clearly now decided that he needs to try other styles of music to discover any other hooks out there that haven’t been written yet & claim […]Read More

Fransoafran – “Tyrian Dance”

If you had a chance to tune into the SBS Podcast yesterday, you not only heard the new single “Tyrian Dance” by artist Fransoafran, but you heard a ton of details about the music he makes and a whole bunch of well-deserved praise.  In the event that you didn’t catch the show, have no fear […]Read More

Orbe – “Universo”

Alrighty folks – I’m assuming you’re popping right over to the page here to check out the new video for “Universo” by Orbe, now that you’ve just heard it on the ol’ SBS Podcast moments ago – right?  Okay, okay, okay…no matter how you got here, we’re happy to have ya – but if you […]Read More

SBS Podcast 098

Supreme audio entertainment for your ears without using a single word!  Come check out a lineup full of incredible instrumental artists & bands currently thriving in the independent scene like Blue Soul Ten, Armonite, Ception Of Ty, Jean-Philippe Tremblay, Aminita Satori, Glenn Murawski, and 10 Waves Of You.  We’ll also be checking out one of […]Read More

Stig Gustu Larsen – Love Breathe Repeat

Stig Gustu Larsen – Love Breathe Repeat – Album Review I’m loving the vibrant energy that starts this record out…like within ten-seconds or less, the snappy start to ”In The Beginning” was a solid confirmation that it was indeed, great to have artist Stig Gustu Larsen back on our pages and coming through our speakers […]Read More

Come Taste The Misery – “Wrong Side Of Heaven” Feat.

Come Taste The Misery this morning! Start your day off mired in the murky themes and incredibly thick sound slipping through your speakers & screens with the latest offering from Come Taste The Misery’s new Mirrors EP, called “Wrong Side Of Heaven” featuring a gnarly performance from Nathan Hakoune on the mic.  From the gripping […]Read More

JuJu Barzz – “First Place”

Ready to “smoke a whole eighth in this bitch,” hit them bars hard, and get this whole cut blazin’ within a single minute’s worth of time – JuJu Barzz keeps the intensity comin’ atcha from the music to the microphone to make a massive impact in a real short space.  Armed with verbal swagger in […]Read More

Juhan Ongbrian – “Grapefruit”

Juhan Ongbrian – “Grapefruit” – Single Review Back in my day, whenever I had the ol’ sleepover at Grandma’s house, I’d wake up to a half of a “Grapefruit” with breakfast and one of these kickass spoons that had like, a tiny little saw blade on one side, so that you could carve out your […]Read More