"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

RudeGal 4.0 – “Rude As I Wanna Be”

Bossed UP and on her ‘RudeGal shit‘ – this emcee sounds determined to verbally stomp out pretenders & fakes as she grinds her way to the top of the Rap game!  RudeGal 4.0 is in the hizzzzzzzzouse y’all, and she’s rightfully taking her spot on the throne with a powerfully confident & slick performance on […]Read More

386 Private – “I’m Gymnasting”

I prettttttttttttttty much get out of bed every morning looking for something like this. With so many different avenues, styles, and sounds available at our creative disposal, I gotta admit, it’s almost bizarre not to hear too many tunes willing to courageously color outside the lines.  Know what I mean?  Sure we hear variations of […]Read More

Cool Ass – “Fuck You COVID-19”

“You ready for this shit?” I hope you’re ready for this shit.  We played this shit on the SBS Podcast earlier today – and chances are, you’re here to check this shit out via video-screen now, based on all the stuff I had to say about Cool Ass on the show; but even if you […]Read More

SBS Podcast 099

Ready to take you for a ride all over the map from one side of sound to the other – come get yourself a dose of diversity & versatility in the latest episode of the SBS Podcast!  We’ll be jammin’ tunes from Bad Pilot, Olga Solar, per[sona, Coma Girl, Foux, Resilient, Guest Actors, and Anxious […]Read More

Jae Money – “Pain In My Heart”

Quality cut homie. Jae Money is definitely onto something here – the man’s got the perfect balance between the skills & swagger you wanna find in an emcee/artist in the game.  He’s puttin’ in the personal details on “Pain In My Heart,” a track that’s dedicated in tribute to his father, who passed away in […]Read More

Noel Johnson (NDJ) – “So Out Of Style”

Everyone deserves a second chance to get it right. I’ve been literally immersed in the story of Noel Johnson (NDJ) over the past week or more, and I’ve barely thought about anything else since I first started learning about him.  I’m here to talk about the new video & single he’s putting out officially TODAY […]Read More

King Cotz – “Together Forever” / “TROUBLE”

King Cotz – “Together Forever” / “TROUBLE” – Singles Review With about three years or more of listening to the King’s music under my belt at this point in time, having reviewed his cuts all the way back to 2017, and twice in 2019 in the thick of his resurgence – he knows I’m always […]Read More

Shel’Yailah – “My Heart”

Everything’s gotta start somewhere right? Technically, Shel’Yailah has been making music ever since she was three years-old, captivating & charming every person in the room whenever she had the opportunity and an audience to perform in front of.  Clearly that practice paid off; she grew up singing in church, discovering her voice, and years later, […]Read More

The Verbal Ace – “Playin’ To Win”

What I can tell ya for sure, after watching the video for “Playin’ To Win,” is that we need a whole lot more people out there parenting like The Verbal Ace is doin.’  You’ll get the full picture when you have a look & listen for yourself…for now, let’s just say we’ve got mad respect […]Read More

Cindy Horn – “This Love”

Cindy Horn in the hizzzzzouse tonight y’all!  What better time to fire-up the Electro-circuits and get your party bumpin’ than on a Friday night?  Cindy’s got just the thing to help you set it off – a brand-new Trance single that’s stocked full of radiant energy and colorful neon sounds comin’ at ya, called “This […]Read More