An episode to bring the heat to your speakers & keep’em soundin’ cool this summer – come check out the stylistically slick to the soulful on this new episode of the SBS Podcast! We’ll be featuring talking about the latest music being made by Era’Nay, L T Balkin, and lil ink along the way, and […]Read More
Granular Injections – “Closer” Feat. Damien Q & David Downing – Single Review This whole collaborative crew has been pushin’ real hard over these past couple years eh? It’s been awesome to witness…truly…every time Granular Injections, Damien Q, and David Downing show up, they have proven in a variety of ways that they’ve always got […]Read More
L T Balkin – “Hearts A Mess” Feat. Alison Newman & Nyukyung – Single Review Back in February earlier this year, it certainly wasn’t lost on me that L T Balkin was rapidly surging into something genuinely special, and a real breakthrough year in his music. For real y’all – if you haven’t checked out […]Read More
Official Press Release Kelsie Kimberlin Releases A Bold & Beautiful Call For Unity – Her New Single “Bring Together” Is Now Available. At a time in our history where the world appears more divided than it has been in years, Kelsie Kimberlin understood that the power of music and art could unify the people on […]Read More
Ranzel X Kendrick – “Like A Child” – Single Review If you’ve been followin’ along with the bouncing ball over here at sleepingbagstudios, you’ve seen the name Ranzel X Kendrick pop up here over the last couple years with singles like “Seguin Son Of A Gun,” and “Crazy Love” from his Texas Cactus album, or […]Read More
“Holdin’ on to your dreams…harder than it seems…” #truth Notice how KD doesn’t say impossible. It might be hard to hold on to those dreams we’ve got sometimes, but as long as you don’t lose sight of’em and stay focused on what’s real & what’s important like this man right here, you’ll find your way […]Read More
Me Soul Be Flowin – “Amethyst” / “Portal” – Singles Review Demand the full release of season four! And let that be a lesson to the rest of y’all out there too – I’m with it, I’m paying attention – if you make a jump from season three to season five, YES, I’m gonna notice! […]Read More
Do not underestimate this man. Christopher Dallman knows who he is, and he knows his strengths as an artist all trace directly to the roots of his genuine passion for music…and between these two aspects, he generates pure results. I could hear something special in this guy from the moment I had my first experience […]Read More
DirtyLaundry – “CopChase” – Single Review Back in January this year when the Worcester, MA, band DirtyLaundry FINALLY got the opportunity to drop their highly anticipated debut single “Bubblegum” after five years since their inception in 2016, they must have been breathin’ a huge sigh of relief and enjoyed a moment of real satisfaction or […]Read More
Cassy Jade Singer/songwriter Cassy Jade has always been fascinated with multiple forms of artistic expression – it was only ever a matter of time before she’d find a home in the spotlight & thriving in the music-scene. From her earliest days in the south side of Chicago growing up connected to art through her painting […]Read More