TWOFEW – “Lips Blue”

 TWOFEW – “Lips Blue”

TWOFEW – “Lips Blue” – Single Review

Over this past year-plus, I’ve had the genuine privilege of being able to witness TWOFEW breaking out into the scene with a series of extremely stellar singles that have proven this band has put serious thought, effort, passion, and heart into every move they’ve been making along the way.  With a vibrant piano-led Pop-Rock sound that completely suits them, and draws on provocative themes with evocative & sensory vibes – this five-piece band based outta Phoenix has been surging on the strengths of real balance in their musicianship, undeniably focused songwriting, and a shared vision on how to execute & approach their sound overall.  The results genuinely speak for themselves at this point – if they’re not on my playlist already, I could scan the title of any TWOFEW song and recall exactly what it sounds like – the high-degree of memorable hooks and moments in time they’ve created at this point so early on into their career is quite astounding really.  They’ve got the skills, mindset, and desire to reach their destiny.

While of course time will tell…my gut is tellin’ me that “Lips Blue” might even be their most memorable to-date, which is truly sayin’ something at this point.  The haunting lyricism and mood of “Lips Blue” has no problem at all clinging to your bones and tugging hard at your emotions, and the hooks they’ve got threaded into this track…man…what else can be said?  TWOFEW have proven time & time again to be serious masters of the craft when it comes to compelling songwriting and sound, and they’ve hit the nail straight on the head once again with this cut.  You’ll find Michael Lazar’s signature vocalizations have a strong moment in this tune…arguably, for many out there, him singing “you” in the chorus and the way that he draws it out with such sensational style & tone, is gonna be THE main hook in this song – and ultimately, I ain’t gonna be the one to throw-down against ya if that’s how you feel.  I wouldn’t blame you in the slightest in fact – Michael’s got a real knack for tackling this method in his writing & approach to his vocals, and it’s always hit the mark with something magical, unforgettable, and sincere for us to listen to…so don’t go gettin’ it twisted – I’m absolutely loving that part of “Lips Blue” every bit as much as YOU most certainly are as well.  That being said – I’m gonna advocate for the REAL hook of this song being the power you hear from Michael right as the hooks begin – because honestly, that’s THE moment you should be addicted to above’em all…the man just punches right into the melody of this single with all the confidence, precision, passion, and spot-on tone you could ever wanna hear.  What makes it even more impressive is that Michael’s never under-written himself…you know what I mean?  A lot of singers & songwriters out there get in the habit of taking the easy route and going with what they know is right in the pocket & well-within their wheelhouse…and at the end of the day, I’m not even really arguing that Lazar doesn’t know exactly where his bread & butter are as a singer – he does, I’m sure of it.  What I AM sayin’ is, he’s never once shied away from creating extremely challenging parts for himself to sing, and every single time that I’ve personally experienced, he climbs a vocal mountain to scale the heights of his ambitions, and delivers like he’s ready to take on an Everest’s worth of demands at any given time.  The dude’s a pro…and a born leader if you ask me; it might have taken TWOFEW a while to exist and get to where they’re at today, but they’re here now – and he’s a massive part of what drives them all forward.  In terms of what leaps out at you dynamically on “Lips Blue” – it’d be tough to argue that he doesn’t end up stealing the show on this one…I think Michael crushed the vocals from verse to chorus & back again.

In order to get to a performance as strong as this, the band has to be as reliable as reliable can be – and that’s exactly what you’ll find in TWOFEW.  They all deserve a real shout-out of appreciation as far as my ears are concerned…from the stellar solo & guitars from David Lazar & Mike Liebbe, to the crisp beat from drummer John Grigsby, to the steady roll of the bass-lines from Danielle Lazar – the four players that surround Michael make the most of every moment on “Lips Blue” and give it everything they’ve got.  So for me…not only were Michael’s vocals a huge highlight on this new single, but the exceptional tightness of the band was strong enough to rival him, as was the depth in the songwriting here as well.  If there’s one thing I know to be true about makin’ music, it’s that it’s sure nice to give folks out there just about a hundred reasons to like or love what you do, and with the incredible attention to detail that TWOFEW brings to “Lips Blue” from performance to production, they leave you wanting for nothing, and give this single the powerful melody it needs to find itself a permanent home on your playlists out there.

I’ve said it before, and I’m confident I’ll be sayin’ it again in the future – TWOFEW is onto something special, and they’re really excelling at a rapid rate with their inspired creativity over these past couple years.  You’ll be hearing much more about’em over this week & the future to follow – we’ve got plans to post up the video for “Lips Blue,” we’ll be spinning it on the SBS Podcast with more of my thoughts for ya, and showcasing it on an upcoming episode of SBS Live This Week as well!  Don’t tell anyone just yet – keep this next tidbit of info between us – but there are major plans in the works right now for a full-on video-interview with TWOFEW…and if y’all know anything about me when it comes to these pages and shows of ours, you know there’s nothing I love to do more than get right into those.  The point is – you’ll be seeing & hearing TWOFEW pop up in all kinds of ways around the homepage here…and rightly so!  They’re putting in the work, they’ve got the talent, the sound, and the drive to succeed – I’m 100% all about what this band is creating, and I can’t wait to dig into that a whole lot more for ya in all kinds of ways here.  Keep your eyes on this space, as they say – TWOFEW is finishing 2021 on the strongest of notes and set to surge straight into next year.

Find out more about TWOFEW at the official pages below!






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