SirenBlue – “Obsolete”

 SirenBlue – “Obsolete”

SirenBlue – “Obsolete” – Single Review

I am ecstatic to have this band back on our pages!

Even more-so, I’m freakin’ stoked to have their music back in my speakers over here.

Great things are always well worth waiting for…and in the grand-scheme of things, it’s really only been about two & a half years since the last time we featured music from SirenBlue at our site, or even less if you include the fact that their debut album Same But Different landed them in our annual top ten list of 2021.  This world tends to move way too rapidly for its own good anyhow.  Way back in my day, it wasn’t at all uncommon to have your favorite artists & bands taking their time with that next release.  Two years would go by and you’d be lucky if they put something else out.  Four years was fairly normal.  Anything longer than that and it had better be a brilliant record, but on the bright side, it usually was.  So while it’s certainly become typical to find your favorites now dropping a new single or EP or album or video what seems like “Every Other Weekend” these days…I’m all in favor of waiting for quality substance.  Besides…as I like to point out from time to time, absence makes the heart grow fonder, ain’t that right?

Believe me when I tell ya, SirenBlue makes music well worth the waiting.  Word on the street is that they are currently in the process of putting the finishing touches on their upcoming record, called Hit Like And Carry On – which is EXCITING to say the very least!  I truly can’t wait…I love this band and I am absolutely thrilled that they’re releasing new music this year.  The journey begins with a single called “Obsolete,” which is out there and available as of today, complete with full AI video support to boot.

No surprise to me as a fan of this UK-based band, “Obsolete” is incredibly well thought-out and entirely relevant for the right here & now…so don’t let the name of this single fool ya.  A lot of what you’ll find this song addresses is similar to what I was ranting about at the start of this review in pointing out how quickly the world is moving these days.  “What you once knew now seems obsolete” could be a rallying cry for the majority of us, and our new personal anthem for day to day life.  Even thinking about the way things were done here at sleepingbagstudios twelve years ago when this madness started, to the way things are done here today…I mean…we’re talkin’ about massive differences in technology & processes.  In my mind, twelve years is still just barely a significant chunk of time – and yet, so many of the things we all did that long ago would likely be considered “Obsolete” already!  YES – I’m OLD, and there is no hiding that fact, clearly – BUT – I’m not THAT OLD either!  This world has a way of rushing us along to the point where we’re all feeling the effects of our own obsolescence much more quickly.  By the time we get used to something or how to do it, there’s already something new or another update to be installed.

To say that it’s tough to keep up with would be an understatement…and I’m shocked any of ya still read!  I’m very grateful that you do, don’t get me wrong – because my existence would be pointless otherwise.  Anyhow…you get it, and I’m sure you’ve felt something similar in the air no matter what age you are.  We are moving quickly, en masse, as a society…and yet, so many things are getting lost along the way as a result.  Progress in many ways, yes…but we’ve taken off the training wheels and assumed everyone can ride at the same speed, which isn’t necessarily the case.  Heck, even AI, which is fully responsible for the stellar video that comes along with this new single from SirenBlue, is also the same thing that might very well choose to do us all in one day.  “It’s a world of uncertainty” – and that uncertainty seems to grow exponentially by the day, quicker than we can keep up to it.  Which kind of has us all continually having this sinking feeling like we’re the last person in line as we travel through a horror movie, knowing that we’re gonna be picked off sooner rather than later, even if we still don’t quite know when that’ll be.

I also love that SirenBlue has put forth such a thought-provoking song that both addresses & embraces technology at the same time.  They make it fairly clear which side of the fence they’re standing on in the words of “Obsolete,” and as a result, you can’t help but admire the irony of going with an AI-based video to support this single as well.  It’s in noticing that, that you come to understand the catch-22 that we’re all stuck within…we might be resistant to technology…it might make us feel a bit more hollow than we did the day before…yet we not only can’t get away from it, we all need it to stay current & relevant too.  Without being as connected as we’ve become, we’d actually be more disconnected than we’ve ever been.  It’s a fine line to walk and a hard time to navigate successfully for any of us in our day to day lives.  I really like what SirenBlue has to say and how they’re choosing to say it here though.  I’ve had endless conversations about how social media and the internet was a genuine blessing for a natural introvert like myself, but I’ve always understood how much of a curse it can be for others at the same time.  For many out there, this tool that has managed to connect me to so many extraordinary people, artists, and bands like SirenBlue, has also ended up feeling like a hindrance to face-to-face communication and the conversations we used to have.  I mean, heck, how many people do you know that won’t even use the phone anymore?  Probably tons!  Text-messaging is so much easier, albeit another degree removed from that personal touch we all used to appreciate.  We’re more connected than ever, and not at the very same time.  Honestly, it’s the most amazing paradox to be stuck inside of.  There are positives and negatives, and I can see why both sides of this scenario/way of life would feel the way that they do.  As a person that firmly believes in Matrix theory anyhow, none of this ‘life experience’ is real to me anymore anyway…so while I still understand people’s frustration 100%, it’s also endlessly amusing to me as well.  “Obsolete” is a fantastic reminder of how precious our time truly is, but also how fragile that time can quickly become too.

At the end of the day, it’s wonderful to find such thought-provoking material…I think you can clearly see that listening to this tune will get your wheels turning!  Awesome to hear the band coming back with material this great…I love the vocals from Collette, love the guitars from Neil and Jason, love the lyricism & hooks in this single, and pretty much everything else you can think of in between as well.  They’re consistently great in what they create together, and “Obsolete” is merely more confirmation of that fact.  I mean…I don’t wanna brag too much, but I have been shouting about them from the rooftops from the moment I started listening, and y’all know I like to be proven right – this new single from SirenBlue was everything I’d hoped it could be, and serves as a great indication of what’s to come.

Find out more about SirenBlue at their official website:

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