Erik Odsell – “Human”

Erik Odsell – “Human” – Single Review
How on earth did two & a half years fly by like that Erik?
It should tell us all something that an artist can go such a significant length of time away, yet still feel like they’re right at the forefront of my mind when it comes to memorable personalities from out there in our independent music-scene. It feels like it was just yesterday that Sweden-based solo artist Erik Odsell was here on our pages…yet there it is, right there in print, it was actually back in early 2018 when he released his last single “Getaway Car” in the first quarter of that year. Always awesome to see & hear an artist come back to the scene where they belong – and as I’ve indicated to ya already, I’ve never forgotten Erik or his music, and a ton of the reasons as to WHY that is, are right there on display all throughout his latest single “Human” and the insightful mix of observation, sentiment, & sincerity it has.
As I’ve often said here, great songs and talent aside, it’s the connection to the music, between the artist & their material that generally matters most – which is an asset/aspect of his approach that Erik has definitely always had on his side when it comes time to push record. Truthfully though, it actually goes even further beyond that when it comes to the music of Erik Odsell, and that leads directly to the main point I’ll be driving home throughout this whole review…which is that you’ll find the insights & lyrical observations he makes stretch far beyond the personal…this is a guy that genuinely looks out for us all.
Using his powers & talents for the greater good & goals that reach far beyond mere entertainment and a stellar new song to listen to, Erik is returning to the scene with verifiable purpose and inspired sound. It’s easy to say that, sure, it’s been two & a half years since his last official release out there and definitely time he’s landed back in our speakers at this point…but he isn’t just coming back with a song for the intention of making new music & nothing more – you feel me? “Human” is a highlight example of how the right people always find the courage to speak up at a time when it’s needed most…and I can’t imagine there’s a person out there reading this right now that doesn’t recognize that’s exactly what we’re living through right at the present time, globally. You could literally throw a dart at a map right now and you’d hit a place experiencing some sort of confusion, civil unrest, or even worse; 2020 has been difficult to navigate to say the least, and at times it can feel like the whole planet is crumbling right out from underneath our feet as we struggle to simply breathe and not lose our shared humanity.
And that’s exactly where Erik Odsell realizes he’s needed…to remind us that we’re all “Human,” and in this whole LIFE thing together. Think of it this way…any single one of you reading this right at this very moment, has just created a tiny thread in this universe that bonds you to me, and you to every other person that’s read this as well…the same applies to this impressive new single by Odsell – if you’re listening, and you’ve experienced it for yourself, you’ve connected to the rest of us that have as well in some way…even though many of us have never & probably never will meet in real life. “We’re sisters, we’re brothers” as Erik will tell ya himself…and he’s right; it’s not a DNA thing…it’s the reality of the way things really are – we’re all “Human,” no better or worse than the person standing right next to you. I love the words he’s written into this tune…and if I’m being 100% honest with ya, having that extra purpose in creating a song like this seems to really have brought out the best in the music of Erik Odsell.
I suppose what I’m sayin’ to you all & to Erik himself is, I’m not just stoked about the song itself, but also the very fact that it’s a song with a message like this that’s brought him back after so long away. Giving “Human” a single spin will instantly confirm the many good things I’ve had to say about him, I can promise ya that…but just in case y’all need more proof, I’ll be making sure to cover the map in supporting Odsell’s latest song by posting up the video here in November, and spinning it on the SBS Podcast coming up soon, along with more of my thoughts on the man behind the music, of course. Rest assured I absolutely dig what I hear from Erik on this shiny new single – I think he sounds fully present, engaged, and locked right into the magic of the moment when it comes to the inspired performance he puts in from the microphone, and he’s got vibrant neon synth hooks in the music that are equally as attention grabbing with the 3D-way these sounds leap out from your speakers as you listen to “Human.”
Armed with a message that matters, guided by an altruistic purpose to provide comfort through the music he makes – Erik Odsell continues to impress for all the right reasons on both a musical & “Human” level – I’ve got lots more to say on this new single he’s got & I’m excited to share that all with you over the upcoming weeks in our shows & on our pages. For now, make sure to find out more about Erik Odsell for yourself by visiting his official website to find music & info at:
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