L.A. Brownies – Citizens United – Album Review Let’s keep this party going shall we? Been reviewing music all day long, and these guys are making for the perfect cap on a great day here at sleepingbagstudios. And I’ll be sampling a great deal from these guys as we review this double-album-debut with the other […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
1700 Monkey Ninjas – You ARE The Storm – Album Review Perfect day to discuss this album You ARE The Storm by 1700 Monkey Ninjas; and as the name certainly suggests, you can expect the unexpected all throughout this album. What begins with the massive sounds of “Skavenjurr” are merely just the beginning to this […]Read More
Chris Weaver Band – American Dreamer – Album Review If you want to hear one of my absolute favourite voices in true rock-n-roll-based rhythm and blues, feast your ears on what Chris Weaver is doing with his band on their latest album American Dreamer. Led by his incredible vocals and all-out performances, this real-rock hero […]Read More
Stonewall – Master Vibrato – EP Review Stonewall’s latest EP is aptly titled, heavily auto-tuned and full of low-end intensity. If you’re a fan of artists like Lil’ Wayne, or anything that came after the minimalist-movement within music spurred on by our lord and saviour of music – Yeezus – sit back and get ready […]Read More
C-Rod – The Devil Is Real – Mixtape Review First thing that hit me off C-Rod’s latest record, The Devil Is Real, was the incredible beats he had found throughout this mix. C-rod himself has a wicked flow…almost sounds like he would have fit in with the Onyx crew from back in the serious-rap heyday. […]Read More
Linadrena – The Journey – Album Review There are a lot of things to like about what Linadrena is up to. For instance, you can start with the fact that nothing you’ll hear on the new album, The Journey, will fit into any kind of particular format…these are nearly soundscapes in many ways, with real […]Read More
Arid Garden – Arid Garden – EP Review Big fan of these five songs on this new EP from Arid Garden, let me say that right from the get-go. This is a highly ambitious band bringing a form of progressive jazz right to the top of my playlist right now. There’s a complete wealth of […]Read More
DonDonTheGreat – The Great Deception – Mixtape Review There’s a seriousness that runs deep throughout The Great Deception; you can hear DonDonTheGreat put the hard-work, sweat and the vicious-edge of conviction into the mic as he lets rhymes rip quickly with about a full novel’s worth of words in a verse. Starting with strong beginning […]Read More
If These Trees Could Talk – Above The Earth, Below The Sky – Album Review Why do I feel like I should be bracing myself? As the opening tones of “From Roots To Needles” start out this new album Above The Earth, Below The Sky by If These Trees Could Talk, they start in a […]Read More
Genuine Bush – Sitting On A Bench In The Middle Of A Scattered Mind – Album Review I am really going to have to take this one with a grain of salt…and perhaps an aspirin. Alright…so here’s the quick backstory in a summed-up sentence…you always want to make sure that your music is both easily […]Read More