10 Waves Of You – Fields Of Venus – Album Review Here’s an artist with a method and approach you can certainly respect. The mind behind the music of 10 Waves Of You is Luca Crivellaro and the goal was an ambitious task; to be the creator of his music in entirety…to not have to […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Once More, Autumn – Once More, Autumn – EP Review I’ve had some excellent artists and bands step up big time over these past two months as the heat continued to rise here alongside a big, giant cloud of depression that kept on attempting to claim me. For the first time in three years of […]Read More
October Rust – Black Rain – Album Review Concept album! Cool! I can never get enough of this style of an album…they just don’t happen nearly often enough. Involving mind-trickery, murder, love and loss…it’s a sonically-layered journey through some of the darker corners of our mind but also thought-provoking lyrics that make you question these […]Read More
Project Pronin – Soundcloud Singles Reviewed You have to love the experimental-electronic genre of music, especially on an independent level. Generally speaking, this entire style of music houses some really innovative songs in addition to scores of bands that just don’t really know how to define their sound, so ‘experimental’ it becomes whether accurate or […]Read More
Karen Crusher – Granite – Album Review I’ve gotta watch myself on this one and do my best to keep my objectivity here! I had the privilege of having my first encounter with Karen Crusher somewhere back in March or February of earlier this year…if memory serves me correctly we worked with her on a […]Read More
Saint Cassady – Saint Cassady – EP Review What can be said aside from I’ve always had an extreme soft-spot for those that truly love music and just want to make it. For good, for bad…however it might come out whether perfectly or flawed…some people have a real courage in music to simply charge ahead […]Read More
Paragon Theorem – Inkwell – Album Review Pardon my language…but fuuuuuuuuuucccck do these guys ever make a HUGE sound! Paragon Theorem comes to us today based out of Glastonbury, CT in the USA…and believe me my friends, if they continue to make these massive sounds work as extremely well as they do – it won’t […]Read More
BJ Smith – “On Fire” – Single Review A smooth ride & good effort on BJ Smith’s latest single “On Fire.” Based in old-school R&B rhythms…we’re talking about a hot relationship down to the embers from a flame once burning strong. Despite its mid-tempo pleasant vibe, sweet harmonies and funktastic bass-line, this ain’t no happy […]Read More
Elmo Karjalainen – The Free Guitar Album – Album Review The album starts out HOT! Elmo Karjalainen comes out absolutely crushing the guitar licks on the opening of The Free Guitar Album with “Instrumetal.” Intense and mind-blowingly well-played – Elmo starts off this album with a masterpiece guitar epic that tears the place up from […]Read More
Kenny Fame – Soul Of A Man – EP Review I cannot tell you any lies dear readers…when I saw the name Kenny Fame pop up into my inbox…I was honestly a little surprised! In retrospect, maybe I shouldn’t have been; the number one attribute in Kenny Fame is his willingness to develop, refine and […]Read More