Digital Escort – “Swimming With The Fish” – Single Review If you wanna get your ears around what MEAN sounds like – put your headphones on and strap yourself into “Swimming With The Fish” by Digital Escort. A song that truly goes for the throat – this new single became my battle-anthem over the past […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
The Damnable Cads – Soundcloud – Singles Reviewed I think I might’ve supposed to have been maybe only reviewing one track from The Damnable Cads today…a song called “All Night Long.” Before I go any further…I just want it made clear…anything else I might maybe say or perhaps comment upon regarding the other six tracks […]Read More
Alexander James – Lucid Dreams/Bonus-Singles – EP Review You’d think that I’d look at the six-songs from the Lucid Dreams EP and the surrounding ELEVEN bonus-singles released in complement to the recording and feel like the task of commenting on seventeen tracks would be nothing but an uphill battle…but if you don’t follow us day-to-day…let […]Read More
Taylor Abrahamse – Music From The Abravault – Site/Music Review Soooooooo…yeahhhh…there’s no easy way to go about this review…bear with me on this one. I’ve gotten ahold of music from Taylor Abrahamse…and by that I mean, I’ve been having a sample of virtually everything I’ve been able to put my headphones around. It’s about as […]Read More
dMj – Soundcloud – Singles Review Let’s not forget, before we jump too far ahead of ourselves here…the genre, when defined…is RAP, which at the roots began as rhythm and poetry. I mention this early on here, not because it’s knowledge you should already have…but because it’s audibly going to help you understand what’s going […]Read More
DownTown Mystic – DownTown Nashville – EP Review There’s definitely a classic-sound to DownTown Mystic that I can appreciate. Stemming from the vibrant sounds of the late 70’s through to the 80’s, this band reminds me a lot of bands like Chicago, Chilliwack, Doug And The Slugs, Todd Rundgren…that era of music where the musicianship […]Read More
Madelyn Victoria – Madelyn Victoria – EP Review Why not switch it up a little here at the posting of our 800th review and bust into a new star from a genre we rarely visit – Country! Through the musical-perspective and sound of Madelyn Victoria on her new self-titled EP and the admirable qualities and […]Read More
Aminita Satori – Back To The Stars We Go – Album Review Had I not already been in a stellar mood today, Aminita Satori’s new album Back To The Stars We Go would have put me there. I easily remembered that name when I saw it pop into the playlist…this was an artist that I […]Read More
Mus Matos – “Audience” – Single Review Holy Anthony Hamilton Batman! Mus? That you brother? This was an incredible decision from DIY mastermind and solo-artist Mus Matos – “Audience” is nothing like you’ve ever heard from him so far…and the result is so spectacular that you’ll seriously scratch your head in wondering what in the […]Read More
The Liquid C – Singularity – EP Review Coming straight at you off ‘Your mamas’ record label – The Liquid C are here to brighten your day with some sunshiny new extreme-metal tunes for your faceholes. Though the band itself is listed as a duo in their social media at Facebook, consisting of Carlos and […]Read More