A Choir Of Ghosts – “Saint”/”Woods” – Singles Review Way, way back about this time two-years ago, I had the good fortune to have experienced the songwriting of A Choir Of Ghost’s James Auger in a different project he’d called Dead Wood. If you have a read-over of that review…you’ll see the visible proof of […]Read More
Our in-depth album-reviews reflect the sincere passion in the way we listen to the music of the independent-scene. Representing genres of all-kinds and offering honest insight into what we hear in effort to do our part to assist artists/bands in the evolution of their sound – we do our best to highlight the positives and offer objective constructive-criticism with added personality and quality you can truly see. Your music deserves it!
Iain Campbell – “I’m Still Here”/”Winter” – Singles Review Chills…that’s the way you want to start-out a listening experience. It’s rare but it’s always an amazing feeling that courses through your entire mind, body & soul when you find music with true texture and atmosphere that surrounds & envelops you – and that’s exactly what […]Read More
Earl Adamant Allen – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review As a reviewer…as a music/media reporter…whatever it is you want to call what I do, there’s a responsibility on this side of the screen to make sure we point out the major things we see/hear along the way that may/may-not be a major factor in what […]Read More
Genessa – “The Sound” – Single Review Singer/songwriter and musical-superstar Genessa is no stranger to success – and from what I can hear in her vibrant new single called “The Sound,” I’d expect she can look forward to experiencing even more once this song is officially released this coming April 3rd, 2017. Based in New […]Read More
Andrew Gerard – “Forest Fire” – Single Review There comes a point where you can’t deny the amount of momentum you see an artist/band picking up along the way as they continue their career…some call it the breaking-point – only in this scenario it implies good things…those moments before a musician’s life irreparably changes into […]Read More
MPG – A Message To Those Listening – Album Review From what I’ve heard, seen and read about the music of solo-artist MPG, there’s a lot to be admired about the earnest and honest approach he’s taken towards his writing and career. For instance…and many of you out there know this is true already but […]Read More
fAlterboy – Blasphemy Album-Sampler – Singles Review I’ve always been a fan of the idea of exploring alternative ideas and energy in acoustic or folk-driven indie-rock tunes. Sounding much like bands I grew up loving & listening to like the short-lived Cold Water Flat or Cool For August…or something like Paul Dempsey solo and apart […]Read More
Meena Kaye – “Keep It Simple” Featuring Mee And The Band – Single Review This new single from Meena Kaye…has…SO MUCH working in its favor it’s tough to envision a path she’d end up on from this point forward that wouldn’t lead her to the success she’s looking for in music. “Keep It Simple” is […]Read More
Jason Rayn – “Zone” Feat. K$NG – Single Review Great to hear this collaboration still doin’ their thing, makin’ progress and keepin’ the hustle up. Last time we checked out Jason Rayn, he was working with K$NG on the 2 Rings EP…rhymin’ about ballin’ and making moves to put themselves on the rap-map. Admittedly, there […]Read More
Yo Daddy Doe – IM2 (Unmastered) – EP Review Alright…so today, for the most-part, we’re evaluating ideas on the new IM2 (Unmastered) EP from Yo Daddy Doe. As the full-title implies – these are concepts and rhymes still in the incubator, yet to have their finalized mix and mastering…production comments would be redundant here. As […]Read More