Black Astronaut – “The Corn Cob” Featuring InZane – Single Review Because you’ve gotta keep at least one eye on the porkchop…they’re shifty. Alright…so…the tale of “The Corn Cob” might at first maybe make you think that Charles Luck of Black Astronaut has done lost his mind in creating this narrative…until it reveals knowledge-bomb after […]Read More
Check out some additional shots of Vancouver-based folk-band Stone Poets from their time at sleepingbagstudios in 2013! Stone Poets were promoting their record Trippin’ On Daises and have since gone on to put out a new album called Angels And Devils. The players in the band are in numerous bands and different projects but they […]Read More
Subtle Kind Of Murder – Soundcloud Singles – Singles Review Let it never be said that where there is work & effort put in that there is no reward! In the case of Subtle Kind Of Murder, it works in both our favor – as I was checking out the latest singles they’ve posted to […]Read More
Black Astronaut – “Earthquakes” Featuring Addie & Tino Red – Single Review Definitely contrast between the latest two tracks we’ve been checking out from Black Astronaut! Whereas the song I reviewed yesterday called “One Love,” which also features Tino Red, was all about a chilled-out atmosphere & vibe – this next single “Earthquakes” brings in […]Read More
Black Astronaut – “One Love” Featuring Tino Red – Single Review Man! Sometimes I have to push back from the keyboard, give my head a bit of a shake and take a moment to be grateful for the privilege it can truly be to hear some of the music made out there in the independent […]Read More
Vaultry – Eulogy – Album Review I’ll start by saying this – there really aren’t that many bands out there with the courage to make a record like this. Regardless of any opinions I have on the music of Vaultry’s sophomore release/first full-length record Eulogy – you have to admire the courage and strength within […]Read More
Interview with Vaultry SBS: Welcome Vaultry! Big year coming up for your band, no doubt about it. You’ve got your new kickass video for the single “No Victory” from the end of last year, the new video for “Ghost Writing” from the follow-up release to the Coven EP on the new full-album Eulogy out officially […]Read More
LAPP – “Most Doubt” – Single Review Great way to start the day! LAPP has got a brand-new single being released on February 9th called “Most Doubt” – and on a day that’s full of new music to explore, what better way to start than with something like this? Not a damn typical thing about […]Read More
Brand-new debut tunes from killer new bands/artists like Subtle Kind Of Murder, Stereoshifter, Toby Poynter, Headchange and MrOrijinal in addition to further exploring the music we know & love from Billy Roberts And The Rough Riders, The Affectionates, Vaultry, Salmon Friends and AZTEC – come get some! This week’s official playlist includes: Billy Roberts […]Read More
MrOrijinal – “Grigora X1” – Single Review Life in music is about to open-up for solo-artist/multi-talent Josh Payne, aka Diesel, aka MrOrijinal – this new single “Grigora X1” is the electro-jam to set the standard for the rest to follow in 2017. I’ve put a lot of listening into this track over the past couple […]Read More