"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Lates – “Just Hit Me”

Lates – “Just Hit Me” – Music Video Release/Review The guitar riffs come out bursting from the seams of the latest single “Just Hit Me” from Belgrade-based rock band Lates…and from the moment you push play on this cut, they are more than ready to entertain on their latest track, an offering from their brand-new […]Read More

The Dark Scene Rises

…stolen straight off the desk of the underworld…we’ve snatched some breaking news on bands you gotta hear to believe… Los Angeles Dark Music Scene Rises Again It’s been years – a lot of years – since Mötley Crüe’s Shout at the Devil came out: it was 1983, amidst the glory days of Heavy Metal. Los […]Read More

Wasabi Fire Alarm – “Two Fingers In A V”

Wasabi Fire Alarm – “Two Fingers In A V” – Single Review Not in a million years would you see this coming… I have been hooked on this from the moment I heard it and saw the video for the first time.  The free-spirit that truly resides within music expresses itself in-full through a band […]Read More

Crown – “Derek Jeter”

Batter-up homies!  Hip-Hop artist Crown takes you straight out to the field and into the streets in the new video supporting his cut “Derek Jeter.”  Words cannot even begin to express – the editing on this vid is as supreme as it gets…not only is it incredibly well shot to begin with, but the way […]Read More

RGF – “Spanish Orange”

RGF – “Spanish Orange” – Single Review I can get behind this.  “Spanish Orange” from the self-titled RGF record definitely has that hard-rock/alt/grunge sound that I’ve called home for many years…and given that the band is 20 from the looks of things on social-media…pretty safe to say they’ve grown up on many of those same […]Read More

elite|fitrea – “Dedication”/”The Arsonist (Hey, Liar)”

elite|fitrea – “Dedication”/”The Arsonist (Hey, Liar)” – Singles Review New music from elite|fitrea in 2018?  You bet your ass I’m into that. Ever since checking out the sonic-depths & style of elite|fitrea last year on the Ur EP – I’ve been stoked & chomping at the bit to hear which way these twisted sounds would […]Read More

Big City Cowgirl

Interview With Big City Cowgirl  SBS:  Alrighty Big City Cowgirl – great to have you with us!  According to my notes here & what I’ve read – you’ve been interviewed plenty before & this ain’t your first rodeo, as they say.  That being said – it’s the first time for us…welcome to sleepingbagstudios my friend, […]Read More

Brother Jon Band – “Bobby’s Blues”

Brother Jon Band – “Bobby’s Blues” – Single Review If you dig yourself some crunchy distortion and soaring guitar-tones – do yourself the favor of clicking the repeat-button on your music player and let “Bobby’s Blues” run for an hour or two straight like I did, believe me, you won’t regret it.  Time seemed to […]Read More

Joseph Eid – “Watch It Fall”

Joseph Eid – “Watch It Fall” – Single Review I don’t know about all of you out there, but when I’m scanning the main page here at SBS right now, I’m looking at a whole lineup of impressive artists & music in our little corner of the internet that tells me things are really starting […]Read More

G.H. Hat – Sukiyaki

G.H. Hat – Sukiyaki – EP Review “Lodi Dodi, we likes to party, we don’t cause trouble, we don’t bother nobody…” If there’s one thing beyond the actual listening to new music that I love, it’s when the experience leads to me learning something.  The history of music is so expansive at this point, that […]Read More