"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

Tony Orion & Chuck Berry – “Trappin Ain’t Dead”

This might just be the most proactive track you’ll hear this year!  Trappin just got here didn’t it? Well apparently, “Trappin Ain’t Dead” neither folks – and it sure sounds alive & thrivin’ on this new cut from trappers Tony Orion & Chuck Berry.  LISTEN to the grit & menacingly raw tones in these hot […]Read More

Stephon Foster – “NiteTime”/”Overdrive”

Stephon Foster – “NiteTime”/”Overdrive” – Singles Review Consider me interested…I think Stephon Foster’s got a strong couple tunes here with her brand-new singles from the upcoming record Black Kanary.  She’s busting out in 2018 and clearly the support for her music is growing strong – from the professional video she’s got put together for “NiteTime” […]Read More

SBS Podcast 054

Stoked to be back already with a shiny new lineup of tunes stylistically designed to keep your speakers full of awesomeness! Enjoy music from Xoxo Spencer, Mel Monaco, Amita, Meena Kaye Featuring Mee And The band, Major Moment, Alex Musicci, Trill Cut and Genius Picaso – plus we’ve got the music of Stephon Foster up […]Read More

Luna 13

Bass/Metal duo Luna 13 makes it in the ‘Metal’ bestselling top 5! Could a Bass Music project debut as one of the Amazon top 5 bestsellers under the Metal category?  The answer is yes, as demonstrated by the eclectic, innovative duo Luna 13.  Their latest release G.O.A.T. Witch, published by Cleopatra Records, overtook Ghost B.C., […]Read More

Caleb McAlpin – “Anymore”

Entertainment multi-threat, Caleb McAlpin has already established himself with a career in acting & been a part of the hit TV Series Adopted – and now it’s time for him to bust some new moves and add another credit to his resume with a side-gig, or perhaps new main one, in music.  In a rhythmic […]Read More

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Thrash Opus –

The Gangsta Rabbi – The Gangsta Rabbi’s Thrash Opus – Year 1812 Fest. Overture In EbMAJ – Album Review You might find it odd to learn I expected The Gangsta Rabbi’s return this time around.  Every so often, when I get a spare minute or two…like the self-proclaimed Godfather of the independent music-scene I like […]Read More

Imani Wj Wright – “Home”

Imani Wj Wright – “Home” – Single Review This time I was ready for him.  I mean…when you gotta expect the unexpected, and you’ve learned that as many times as I have in reviewing the music of Imani Wj Wright over the past couple years…well it’s only fair that I was ready for him to […]Read More

MADIO – “What You Sayin’”

MADIO – “What You Sayin’” – Single Review You know…at the end of the day, I’m pretty much just like you.  I might be socially-awkward as it gets, but when it comes to music, if a song makes me feel the vibe, doesn’t matter what genre it is…moves get busted out…chair-dancing is not an uncommon […]Read More

Caesar Osiris – Más Allá

From the looks of things, singer/songwriter Caesar Osiris can find the rhythm anywhere and everywhere!  In the environmentally-conscious new video, Caesar takes you on a journey into the ocean and the relationship between water & the human spirit, making sure to take a time out to express the importance and specialness of that bond and […]Read More

Luke Spehar – “The Farmer”

Luke Spehar – “The Farmer” – Single Review We’ll have to get into a bit of what Luke Spehar is all about in a moment or two…my internet has been savaging my work for the past week with the brutal rain & thunderstorms here in Ottawa lately…I seem to get it like, every fifteen minutes […]Read More