Proof Of Purchase Vol. 2 is up and bumpin’ for your listenin’ pleasure! How did we spend our hard-earned dough at the last event at Bandcamp? Extremely wisely of course! We bought records from all over the map and we’re playing a cut from each of’em on the show today, ever on our quest to […]Read More
SBS Covid Relief Interview with Jordan Paul SBS: Let’s make sure we’ve got everyone on the same page – who are ya? How long have you been doin’ this music thang and what’s the story behind it all? What separates you apart from the rest? Jordan Paul: Hi Jer, how are you doing, mate? Always […]Read More
Welcome to Covid Relief 2020 from sleepingbagstudios! Now officially extended – we’re taking submissions on this special event until the end of May! Let’s spread a bit of love in what ways we can at this bizarre time we’re livin’ in! Three ways to be exact – and every one of them is free to […]Read More
SBS Covid Relief Interview with Marc Gladstone of Prism/Stone Poets/HEAD/Abandon Paris SBS: Let’s make sure we’ve got everyone on the same page – who are ya? How long have you been doin’ this music thang and what’s the story behind it all? What separates you apart from the rest? Marc Gladstone: Out on the road […]Read More
Here’s what I can tell ya about what’s goin’ on with El Yuc… …like…before we even crack into his latest single, let’s give this artist & fellow Canadian a serious shout-out for having his entire world organized AF. For real…as a guy that ends up scanning websites all day long for information & links & […]Read More
SBS Covid Relief Interview with Evan Walton of Once More, Autumn SBS: Let’s make sure we’ve got everyone on the same page – who are ya? How long have you been doin’ this music thang and what’s the story behind it all? What separates you apart from the rest? Evan: My name is Evan Walton […]Read More
William Elvin – “The Tragedy Of Gilbert” – Single Review I’m just gonna toss this idea here out into the open…a collaboration between artists William Elvin and Ete AhPing would likely be one of the most glorious things Pop/Rock/Indie could ever experience, just sayin.’ And that’s obviously not to say that they both can’t hack […]Read More
It’s never too late, as they say. I really like the story of what’s happening here with solo artist Wayne Sharkey. If you read into the man a little bit, you’ll find that he’s always had a strong interest & attachment to music, but has actually only been recording for a couple of years now. […]Read More
SBS Covid Relief Interview with Cherelle Jardine of Make A Scene Canada/HEAD/Stone Poets SBS: Let’s make sure we’ve got everyone on the same page – who are ya? How long have you been doin’ this music thang and what’s the story behind it all? What separates you apart from the rest? Cherelle Jardine: I’ve been […]Read More
Strap yourselves in for a highly adventurous sound & single from Al Knight this morning will ya? This dude is practically the very definition of hybrid; when you hear how the smoldering & slow-burning intensity of “End Of The Line” morphs and changes from where it starts to where it ends, you can’t help but […]Read More