"I’m passionate about what I do, and just as passionate about what YOU do. Together, we can get your music into the hands of the people that should have it. Let’s create something incredible."

SBS Podcast 095

Come get some! We’ve got a special show for ya today on the ol’ SBS Podcast!  Artist Damien Q takes on the audio interview for our Covid Relief Project, we’ve got an exclusive live tune from the man to go with his all-inclusive attitude, tunes from Acharya, Little Ghost, Salmon Friends, Annie DiRusso, Matthew Morgan, […]Read More

Simon Kosta – “Escape To Paradise”

Dig the atmosphere, dig the aura, dig the vibe – Simon Kosta has discovered a gorgeous combination of instrumental electro-chill sounds to create the stunning new single “Escape To Paradise.”  With all the right bounce & energy your speakers & ears are truly craving, Kosta’s “Escape To Paradise” surges with spectacular dimension & depth, in […]Read More

Imani Wj Wright – Live At The Kennedy Center

Imani Wj Wright – Live At The Kennedy Center – Album Review I feel like I’ve run at least a couple of laps around my brain cells trying to jog my memory into place and recall whether or not I’ve actually reviewed a live record of any kind before.  I’ve posted up a ton of […]Read More

Damien Q – “Human To Human”

Damien Q – “Human To Human” – Single Review I’m not 100% sure if anyone out there is taking an official vote on this right now, but just in case, I’d like to put forth my nomination for Damien Q being one of the most fearless artists out there in the scene today.  For real…this […]Read More

PK – “I Think The Asphalt Hates Me”

This guy!  Melodic bars for days! Artist PK makes the maximum amount of magic happen on the m-i-c within the shortest of spaces on his new single “I Think The Asphalt Hates Me” – it’s just 1:35 long, but it absolutely makes a memorable impact with every second it has.  All the way from Estonia […]Read More

Turfseer – “I Had A Zombie Conversation”

Turfseer – “I Had A Zombie Conversation” – Single Review When it comes to the art of making music, a hook doesn’t always need to be universally loved in order for it to be successful.  In fact, if you go through the history of it all, you’ll find numerous examples of songs that dominated charts […]Read More

Ltronnika – “Echoes Past”

Fantastically gorgeous. While Ltronnika has occupied plenty of space on our pages, screens, and speakers this year already with singles like “Mission To Paradise,” “Get In The Groove,” and “Motion Emotion” so far…looking back on the history of this subtle Electro artist’s history, the space between the last one we heard and “Echoes Past” is […]Read More

Desert Rain Project – “Sunshine”

Desert Rain Project doesn’t just work with a spark of inspiration on their latest single – they’ve got a whole ball of “Sunshine” to brighten-up your day!  A fantastic example of harmony, unity, and balance within a band – everyone involved in this five-player collaboration deserves a ton of credit for the tight performance and […]Read More

SBS Podcast 094

Come get some!  We’re choosing to get loud & rowdy for the majority of today’s show – get that volume turned up and tune on in! All kinds of audio awesomeness on this episode gathered far & wide from throughout the land from our incredible independent music-scene.  Check out cuts from The Key Of Green, […]Read More

Kacper Orzechowski & Diastrid – “Paradise”

Much credit, accolades, and congratulations to this young man right here. I’ve been reading about artist Kacper Orzechowski since I started listening to this new single he’s put out with singer/guest-star Diastrid called “Paradise” – and let me tell ya firsthand, it is IMPRESSIVE to see what this dude has already accomplished at such an […]Read More